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我国高新技术企业融资问题研究 2010年月日 目前,融资难己成为制约我国高新技术企业持续、快速发展的现实问题:一方面,许多高新技术企业是由部分科研人员或专利发明人组建而成,企业规模较小,管理不规范,无法通过自我积累式的内源融资来满足企业资金需求;另一方面,由于高新技术企业在种子期、初创期和成长期面临着较大的技术风险、市场风险、财务风险和管理风险,很难通过外源融资获取资金。如何改善高新技术企业的融资环境,提升高新技术企业的竞争能力已成为学术界和企业界关注的焦点。本文希望通过对高新技术企业内涵、特点和作用的分析,深化高新技术企业融资能力研究;通过对高新技术企业融资现状和融资难的客观原因分析,探寻高新技术企业融资难的症结;通过对日本、美国、德国等世界先进国家的高新技术企业融资经验的分析与对比,为我国高新技术企业融资提出相应的建议与对策。 关键词:高新技术企业;融资;建议与对策 Abstract At present, financing has become an actual problem for the high-tech enterprise in China and has been restricting their persistent and quick development. On the one hand, many high-tech enterprises are founded by some scientific researches or patentees and are characterized by small scale and nonstandard management, so their capital demands can’t be satisfied by internal self-cumulative financing. On the other hand, these high-tech enterprises have to face high technical, market, financial and management risks at their incubation, start-up and growth stages; it’s hard for them to acquire capital by external financing. Therefore, how to improve their financing environment and promote their competitiveness has become a focus of both the academic and the business communities. This paper is designed: first, to deepen the research of high-tech enterprises; second, to detect the crux of their financing difficulty; third, to put forward some constructive suggestions and countermeasures for the financing of high-tech enterprises by analyzing and comparing the experience of the same firms in Japan America Germany and other advanced counties. Key words: high-tech enterprises, financing, suggestions and countermeasure 目 录 1 引 言 1 1.1 选题的背景和意义 1 1.2 文献综述 1 1.3 研究的主要主要内容和方法 1 2 高新技术企业融资概述 3 2.1 高新技术企业的界定及特征 3 2.1.1 高新技术企业的界定 3 2.1.2 高新技术企业的特征 3 2.2 企业融资理论综述 4 2.3 高新技术企业融资特征 5 2.3.1 高新技术企业种子期融资特征 5 2.3.2 高新技术企业初创期融资特征 5 2.3.3 高新技术企业成长期融资特征 5 2.3.4 高新技术企业成熟期融资特征 5 3 我国高新技术企业的融资现状与问题 6 3.1 我国高新技术企业融资现状分析 6 3.2 我国高新技术企业融资难的原因分析 7 3.2.1 企业外部因素分析 7 3.2.2 高新技术企业自身存在的


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