英语口语考试常用语 英语口语考试万能模板.doc

英语口语考试常用语 英语口语考试万能模板.doc

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英语口语考试常用语 英语口语考试万能模板 A:Hi,sen.why do you look so happy ?您好,sen.why你看起来很高兴吗? B:Yes,Im so happy,beause of I am have lots of friends (fall in love … 2013年扯乐完小师德师风考核工作总 结教师是人类灵魂的工程师,是落实科教兴国战略、推进教育创新、全面实施素质教育的主导力量,是学生增长知识和思想进步的指导者和引路人,教师的一言一行、一举一动无时无刻不在潜移默化地影响着学生。为提高我校教师的职业道德… 自然科学版)清华大学学报(2012年第52卷第8期 (),,CN112223NJTsinhuaUnivSci&Tech2012Vol.52,No.8 - g/62310611065-采用广义线性局部交互协议的二阶多智能体网络一致性2121,肖 丽1,… A:Hi,sen.why do you look so happy ? 您好,sen.why你看起来很高兴吗? B:Yes,Im so happy,beause of I am have lots of friends (fall in love ,reary have something happy,I am health now,I just have a online education,the teacher is so humour and Knowledgeable,I was invited for a big parry) 乙:是的,我太高兴了,beause我有很多朋友(谈恋爱,reary有快乐的东西,我的健康现在,我只是有一个在线教育,教师是如此幽默,知识渊博,我邀请大招架) C:这真的值得高兴,**就像生活必须品一样,不能缺少。 C: It really should be happy, ** the same as the necessities of life, can not do without. D:是的,一旦缺少会总觉得生活缺少了什么,也就会总惦记着,更别谈快乐了D: Yes, once the lack of will always feel that life is what’s missing, there will always thinking about, much less happy A:对极了,一个人不能快乐的生活,那么生活对于我们又有些什么意义呢? A: For most, a person can not be happy in life, then life for us there, what is the point? B:所以我们需要**,**就像冬日里的阳光,给我们温暖。 B: So we need to **,** like the winter sun to warm us. C:就像夏日里的清爽的风,给我们清凉。 C: Like summer in the fresh air, give us cool. D:**对于生活就像面包对于我们一样,没有**,没有生活。 D: ** As for the bread of life for us, there is no **, no life. A:你真太幽默了,不过讲的太对了。 A: You’re very humorous, but speak too right. B:所以我们要学会**, B: So we have to learn ** C:是的,我可不想没有**,因为我要生活! C: Yes, I do not want no **, because I want to live! D:我也要,就像我们漂亮的口语老师一样,她很。。。所以。。。。。。。。 D: I have, like our beautiful spoken language teacher, she is. . . So. . . . . . . . A:其实**也不是很难,只要我们用心,努力就会有所收获 A: Actually, ** it is not hard, as long as our intentions, efforts will be fruitful B:就拿我来说吧,我们应该。。。。。。 B: Take me, for example, we should be. . . . . . C:说得对,同样的我们也应该,,。。 C: right, we should be the same,,. D:你们都说得对,不过


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