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钱钟书经典语录 钱钟书经典美文《窗》第一二段
钱钟书经典语录 钱钟书经典美文《窗》第一二段
窗 钱钟书 又是春天,窗子可以常开了。春天从窗外进来,人在屋子里坐不住,就从门里出去。不过屋子外的春天太贱了!到处是阳光,不像射破屋里阴深的那样明亮;到处是给太阳晒得懒洋洋的风,不像搅动屋里沉闷的那样有生气。就是鸟语,也似乎琐碎而单薄,需要屋里的寂静…
七年级语文课外阅读练习(一) (一)父爱昼夜无眠(28分) 尤天晨 父亲最近总是萎靡不振,大白天躺在床上鼾声如雷,新买的房子如音箱一般把他的声音“扩”得气壮山河,很是影响我的睡眠——我是一名昼伏夜“出”的自由撰稿人,并且患有神经衰弱的职业病。我提出要…
土 地 承 包 合 同 书 甲方: 乙方: 签订日期: 农村土地承包合同 发包方:____________________(以下简称甲方) 承包方:____________________(以下简称乙方) 根据《中华人民共和国土地管理法》、《中华人…
It’s spring again and windows can often opens, and the spring comes in through windows. People will go outside while they don’t want to stay inside. However, the spring outside is too cheap. Everywhere is sunshine, which
doesn?t like the bright impales the dark room. Everywhere is the breeze, which doesn?t like the fresh wind stirs the depressing room. Even though the warble, which seems petty and thin, needs set off by the silence room. We realize, therefore, spring should inlay windows as well as a pianting mounted in a frame
Meanwhile, we acknowledged, windows is differ from the door in the meaning. Of course, door is used for people in and out. While
sometimes the window can also become the door, for instance, the thief or the couples tryst in novels are keen on coming across through the windows. Thus, it is not the essential difference between the
windows and the door. Accoding to the appreciation of the spring, we might say, we go out because of the door, we don?t need to go out because of the windows. The diaphragm between nature and people are got through by the windows, which leads the wind and sun inside, makes part of spring fill in the room, which let us enjoy it and don?t need to go outside.