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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福作文要会运用数据来写 摘要: 托福作文要会运用数据来写。托福作文中经常需要大家利用一些论据比较来证明自己的观点,这个时候使用一些统计数据就显得很有权威性了,下面的托福写作辅导就为大家介绍一下关于数据的使用方法以及托福写作模板改写时要注意的地方。 使用权威数据来证明我们的观点,很多同学会有疑问,觉得自己没有阅读过很多的数据类文献,觉得自己的数据太不真实,所以不敢往上写。首先,给大家打消这个疑虑,这个权威数据真的需要我们自己去读学术类的期刊吗,不需要。我们只需要学会合理编写数据,就可以了。同学们会问了,编的数据可靠吗,考官会去验证你数据的真实性吗? 这个大家不要担心,ETS的考官不会轻易怀疑大家所写的数据,因为参加 托福 考试的人群,有我们这样的科研小白,也有各个学科的大牛,所以只要你编写的数据合理,ETS是不敢妄下判断否定你论据的真实性的。 重点来到了,怎么去编写数据例证呢? 首先我们要有 托福写作 模板, 模板一: A 年份 survey/ report, conducted by 组织/机构/xxx university, (after polling xxx 人群 aged x and x) proved that xx% a, xx% b, xx% c. 模板二: According to 年份 surveys, conducted by 组织/机构, shows that … 其次,我们要积累托福作文中编写数据例证时常用的机构/组织的名称: 环保局Environmental protection agency 卫生厅 department of public health 教育部Ministry of Education 人力资源部Human resource Department 交通局 Traffic department 数据类题目适用于哪类题目?托福写作辅导提出最适用的题型是今昔对比类题目, 如下: Twenty years from now on, people will have more leisure time than they do now. Secondly, the working time of people has become much shorter, thus resulting in peoples preference for more leisure time. According to 1995 and 2005 surveys conducted by Human Resources Department, people worked 8 hours every day in 2005 while people in 1995 worked almost 9 hours each day. The shortened work time is caused by the wide use fo machines. 分析: 题目大意: 20年后,人们会有更多休闲时间。 人们休闲时间越来越多可以通过调查人们在1995和2005工作时长的减少反映出来。 It was easier to identify what jobs or careers were secure and successful in the past than it is now. Additionally, a questionnaire about choosing an ideal job conducted by Career Service Center in China has surveyed two groups of people with the first at the age of 50 and above and the second aged from 20 to 30. 58.4%. According to the above survey, 32.5% of the first group respectively choose the option of civil servants and teachers. On the contrary, 72.4% of the second group circled the third option of other occupations such as singers, freelance writers and so on. The difference in the two groups of figures lies in the transition


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