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面向未来的中国教育和科研计算机网 CERNET的发展现状 我国第一个全国性计算机互联网络(1994),目前我国第二大计算机互联网 全国主干网2.5Gbps,国际带宽800M以上;地区网155Mbps;300多个高校具有100M以上的接入速度 与电信运营商的国内互联带宽达5Gbps 国家网络中心、地区网络中心和省主节点分布在全国36个城市的38所高校,通达全国200多个城市 联网单位超过1300个,大学800多个;网络用户达1500万人 2001年开始,由赛尔网络公司负责CERNET主干网的运营和技术服务 General trends within NRENs Progressive move to more direct use of fibre Provisioning using SDH/Ethernet or Wavelengths Move towards longer term planning horizons 15-20 year fibre leases and self provisioning USA Abilene Network (Internet2 backbone) 10Gbps backbone in production 2003 National Lambda Rail (NLR) Developing a national WDM network for research and experimental use Dark fibre is procured Use Ethernet over WDM IPv6 is adopted GéANT Connecting 30 NRENs across Europe Jointly funded by NRENs and EC 10Gbps capacity, using mainly Juniper routers Platform for development and deployment of advanced services (QoS, IPv6, MPLS) Global research connectivity peering with Abilene, ESNET (USA) , CA*net4 (Canada), SINET(Japan) inter-regional connectivity: ALICE(Latin America), TEIN(Asia/Pacific), EUMEDCONNECT(North Africa) SuperJANET5 Infrastructure Consideration Access to fibre is more cost effective over 10 years Allows self-provisioning of multiple services Offers more flexible management on the same infrastructure Provides scalable bandwidth at controllable cost Improved resilience as fibre routes known Canada –Ca*net Deployed optical network in 1998 (Ca*net3), extending Ethernet technology to wide area, linking dark fibre based regional networks. Ca*net4 is now most running on 10Gbps Ethernet technology as production network. Australia AARnet Acquired a 15 Yr lease on dark fibre Use 10Gbps wavelengths initially Plan to move to 40G when necessary GrangeNet A experimental network, parallel to AARnet Provides WDM services to a number of Universities CNGI主干网核心节点分布图 CERNET2关键技术开发试验 大规模路由研究与试验 大规模、多种类网络终端接入试验 兼容性与互通性研究与试验 端到端高性能传输研究与试验 大规模组播服务研究与试验 端对端服务质量控制研究与试验 网络安全监测与应急响应处理技术研究与试验 大规模无线和移动漫游研究与试验 网络测量和网络管理研究与试验 下一代互联


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