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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福听力高分策略之题点预测 摘要: 新托福听力的考查形式要求考生在未知题目的情形下先听段子,因此考生必须要加强预测题点的能力,明确细节点的出题规律。所谓预测题点,简言之就是听段子的同时能够辨识说话人的重点,即强调之处。 总的来说,听力预测题点包含以下几项原则: 首尾原则,即首尾部分一般会出现题点,尤其是对话; 问答原则,即问答部分一般会出现题点,尤其是互动式讲座; 重复原则,即语意等不断重复时一般会出现题点; 强调原则,即说话者以各种方式强调时,一般会出现题点。 其中,强调原则最为重要,为便于读者清晰掌握各种强调形式,笔者将听力中的强调分为两类:语言(verbal)与非语言(non-verbal)。 托福 听力常见的两种强调形式 语言类(verbal) 所谓语言强调,即通过语言表达直接说明并提示所说内容为重点。语言强调的信号表达分为以下几类: 直述类 对话开头: I was wondering…/I was thinking…/I was hoping… I wanted to…/the reason Im here… 讲座开头: Today, I wanna talk about….. Today, I am going to talk about… Today, let’s focus on… Today, I am going to discuss… Today we’ll continue….. In the previous class, we talked about….Now, let’s move on to.... 段子正文: remember…. keep in mind that… bear in mind… most important/top (最高级) And again... indeed... One I should mention... 问题类 Now why is that? 对话与讲座中问题提出时,尤其是设问句,都应引起考生注意。 定义类 that is… which means… you know… in other words…. which can be defined….. refers to… 建议类 You should... I suggest / I propose / I recommend... proposal / tips / suggestion / advice/ recommendation had better do sth. / be better off doing sth. How about...? / What about...? Why not...? / Why don’t you...? If I were you, I would.../ I wouldn’t... Would it make things go faster if you...? Maybe / Perhaps you... How does ...sound? 承接类 转折: however, but, yet, though, although, actually, in fact, as a matter of fact 列举: also, one…another…, first…second (next)several, a number of , a variety of, a couple of 举例: for example, for instance, say…, les’s say a good example would be..., a case in point... 原因: because, the reason is…, that’s why…, since, due to... 结果: therefore, so, consequently..., as a result, hence 顺承:now, of course 类比: different, similar, like, resemble, unlike, in contrast, on the contrary 非语言类(non-verbal) 所谓非语言类强调指的是语音,语调,刻意停顿等暗示重点内容。 如果说话人


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