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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读句子替换题的做题技巧 摘要: 托福阅读句子替换题的做题技巧,下面是小马过河为同学们搜集整理的托福阅读句子替换题的做题技巧的相关信息,供同学们参考。 TYPE7 句子替换题 句子替换题比较考察内功,读长句的能力。那么有没有空子可以钻呢?答案是有,很有! 这类句子一般都很长,长句怎么构成,需要很多从句填充,需要连词连接两个句子,需要有逻辑词表达句意,我们的突破口,就放在逻辑词上面。 无耻技巧1 找到句子中的逻辑词,然后对照选项,如果只有一个逻辑词与之相符合,那么直接选,无需看答案。 Eg Although management was pleased with thetoughness that Truman had shown and many citizens were pleased that disruption of theeconomy had been avoided, concern was expressed about the constitutionality of havingcongress that such a step. A Though some were pleased that Truman had kept the economy going, there was concernabout how he had done it. B During the strike, the economy was disrupted, and congress was forced to take steps to fixit. C Because of the effects of the strike on the citizens of the country, it was necessary forcongress to make changes to the consititution. D Management took tough actions during the strike; as a result, congress expressed concernabout the steps that management had taken. 有的同学拿到了这个句子之后,开始惆怅,开始压抑,这么长,看着都烦了 怎么读!!! 我告诉你,不读,看见although,往下看米有逻辑词了,去看选项吧, A though 也转折 B 没有逻辑词 C 因果 D因果 直接选A,对 就这么无耻!!! 无耻技巧1小贴士:对于这个技巧有一个补充,就是对于因果逻辑关系,选项中往往会设置几个因果逻辑的句子,这时我们要区分哪一部分是因,哪一部分是果,通常会有把因果调过来的迷惑选项 看例题 During that period of time, because of the huge glaciers, sea levels were as much as 100 meterslower than they are today. A since the Ice Age, the amount of water in the oceans has decreased dramatically B During the Ice Age, sea levels were low because of how much water was frozen. C Glaciers have grown tremedously since the last Ice Age D During the Ice Age, huge glaciers displaced a lot of water, causing the oceans to rise. 第一步,找逻辑词,because of,因果逻辑。 有同学一看选项,选A,since!这就是我说的学东西学的太死了,since在这里根本不是因为的意思,而是自从。 A没有逻辑词 B 有因果,保留 C 无逻辑词 D causing 有因果 这样是剩下BD,现在开始使用小贴士,看原句,huge glaciers 是因,BD都正确,sea levels 下降了,是果,D的结果是rise,与原文相反,排除掉,选择B 以上所写,是这类题中较简单的类型,难题是什么样呢,思路和方法是一致的,只是有两三个逻辑,相当于简单类型的堆砌。这个时候我要注意区分主


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