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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读定位信息的具体方法 摘要: 之前介绍过托福阅读需要寻找关键词定位,但是说得容易,有什么具体的托福阅读技巧能帮助大家找到这些词呢?下面就来结合托福阅读试题来介绍一下。 之前介绍过 托福 阅读需要寻找关键词定位,但是说得容易,有什么具体的 托福阅读 技巧能帮助大家找到这些词呢?下面就来结合托福阅读试题来介绍一下。 事实细节托福阅读试题建议大家采用“锁定信号词-找到辐射区”的托福阅读技巧来解答事实题,我们一起来了解一下这种方法: 细节题题目一般都会就文章中的一个名词或者一项事实来提问,该名词或事实就是“signpost word(s)”,即所谓的信号词;托福阅读的题目一般都会针对某一段提问,建议大家在确认了信号词之后,回到对应段落,通过“scanning”及扫读的方式,迅速定位到原文中的信号词处,将信号词上下几句划为辐射区进行研究,提高做题效率。 例题 一起来看例题,将这个方法应用到托福阅读实战中来吧。 题目 1. The period discussed in the passage isreferred to as an “explosion” because it A occurred 0.6 billion years ago, late inEarth’s history B was characterized by the unusually fastevolution of many new life-forms C was characterized by widespread animalextinction D was characterized by violent volcaniceruptions 题目问的是,文章中讨论的这一时期之所以被称为“大爆发”是因为什么。 这篇阅读文章是围绕着“寒武纪生物大爆发”展开内容的。在本题目,explosion就是我们所说的信号词。 原文中与本题对应的段落内容如下: The geologic timescale is marked bysignificant geologic and biological events, including the origin of Earth about4.6 billion years ago, the origin of life about 3.5 billion years ago, theorigin of eukaryotic life-forms (living things that have cells with truenuclei) about 1.5 billion years ago, and the origin of animals about 0.6billion years ago. The last event marks the beginning of the Cambrian period.Animals originated relatively late in the history of Earth – in only the last10 percent of Earth’s history. During a geologically brief 100-million-yearperiod, all modern animal groups (along with other animals that are nowextinct) evolved. This rapid origin and diversification of animals is oftenreferred to as “the Cambrian explosion.” 内容很多,通过扫读,我们看到explosion这个词出现在段落最后,我们将本信号词前的两句话定为辐射区,即: During a geologically brief100-million-year period, all modern animal groups (along with other animalsthat are now extinct) evolved. This rapid origin and diversification of animalsis often referred to as “the Cambrian explosion.” 解读一下辐射区的意思: 在短暂的一亿年的地质学周期中,所有现代动物群(包括现在已经灭绝的生物)都进化了。 这次快速的动物起源和动物种类多样化情况产生的时期常常被称为“寒武纪大爆发”。 我们了解到,这一时期的特征