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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读题中词汇意思的8种猜测方法 摘要: 托福阅读题中词汇意思的8种猜测方法,在新托福阅读考试中有些同学一遇到生词就不可避免感到惊慌,大脑空白,甚至影响阅读的思路和节奏,以致于影响最后的得分。 不可否认,巨大的词汇量是高质量的阅读和高质量的口语的基础。但当遇到生词时总查字典又不现实(特别是在考试时),那么我们不妨利用上下文来推测,看看我们有多大的猜词本领。强大的猜词本领无疑会有助于 托福 阅读速度和阅读能力的提高。 1.根据定义、解释猜测词义 We all know that ants are ferocious eaters. Theydiffer widely in their diets and may be carnivorous, herbivorous, or omnivorous, meaning thatsome eat meat; others eat only plants while others eat a combination of both.由后面的解释我们可以得知:“carnivorous”的意思是“食肉的”;“herbivorous”的意思是“食草的”;“omnivorous”的意思是“杂食的”。 2.根据复述(同位语、定语等)猜测词义 Today, I’d like to talk about some of the changes land can undergo, specifically desertification,process through which land becomes part of a desert. 后面的同位语告诉我们“desertification”的意思是“沙漠化。”【 托福阅读 】 3.根据举例猜测词义 After breakfast, many people go to church; but the children will be playing with their new toys,and the mother will probably be preparing the Christmas dinner. This includes poultry for themain course (e.g. chicken, turkey, duck, goose), salads, breads, and vegetable, and features avariety of desserts, for example, pies, puddings, and ice cream. “chicken, turkey, duck, goose”同属“poultry:家禽”。 4.根据对比关系猜测词义 Jane was talking with others while Eliza remained reticent all the time. “while”是一个显示对比的信号词,“reticent”与“talking”相对应,“reticent”:沉默的。 5.根据比喻关系猜测词义 The hot-air balloon took off. It was as buoyant in the air as a cork (软木塞) in water. 把热气球比作水中的软木塞,说明“buoyant ”的意义:“漂浮;浮力。” 6.根据同义词的替代猜测词义 Venus rotates retrograde, or “backwards”, spinning in the opposite direction of its orbitaround the Sun. 由“backwards”这一替代词得知“retrograde”的意思:“向后的。”【托福阅读】 7.有时也可根据一般性常识/生活经验猜测词义 The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel. 门太低,我的头撞在“lintel门楣”上了。 8.也可根据词形构造猜测词义 More recently, scientists have documented an alarmingly high occurrence of frogs withmalformations. form是词根, formation“形式”,mal-:构词前缀,可表示“坏、恶、不良”,还可表示“不、不正常、不当、非法。”malformation的意思就应该是“畸形。”更多的例子如:malnutrit


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