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批量生产柔性作业车间优化调度研究 白俊杰 龚毅光 王宁生 唐敦兵 (南京航空航天大学 CMS工程研究中心 江苏 南京 210016) 摘要:在批量生产柔性作业车间调度问题中,不但要考虑路径选取和加工排序两个子问题,而且工件还可被分割为多个子批量,不同子批可选择不同工艺路线。该问题是对传统柔性作业车间调度问题(FJSP)的扩充,它更接近于实际生产调度问题。针对问题的特点,提出了一种基于遗传算法的柔性分批调度算法。在算法中,提出了一种基于“游标”的柔性批量分割方法,并采用一种批量分割与加工工序相融合的染色体编码方法。该算法不但可根据机床负荷将工件分割成具有柔性批量的多个子批,而且可使子批工艺路线选取及加工排序同时得到优化。通过实例仿真,对算法性能进行分析和评价,结果表明了算法的有效性和可行性。 关键词:柔性作业车间调度; 批量分割; 遗传算法 中图分类号:F406 文献标识码:A Research on Flexible Job Shop Scheduling of Batch Production Bai Jun-jie Gong Yi-guang Wang Ning-sheng Tang Dun-bing (CMS Research centre, Nanjing Univ. Of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, Jiangsu, China) Abstract: In the flexible job-shop scheduling of batch production problem, not only the routing and sequencing sub-problems are taken into account, but also a job lot can be split into a number of sub-lots such that different sub-lot of the same job can be processed on distinct machines. This problem is an extension of classic flexible job-shop scheduling problem (FJSP), which provides a closer approximation to real scheduling problems. According to the characteristics of the problem, a novel flexible size lot-splitting scheduling algorithm based on genetic algorithm was put forward. In the algorithm, a flexible size lot-splitting approach based on “cursors” was proposed. Combined the lot-splitting and the sub-lot scheduling, a novel chromosome coding scheme was put forward. So than the algorithm not only can split lots into flexible size sub-lots according to machine workloads, but also can optimize the sub-lots routing and sequencing simultaneously. The performance of the proposed algorithm was evaluated through simulations, and the results demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. Key words: flexible job-shop scheduling; lot splitting; genetic algorithm 实际生产中,同一种工件往往包含若干数量,工件的生产通常是成批进行的,而且一种工件可以分成若干子批量进行加工。相对于流水车间的研究而言,国内外只有少数学者对批量生产的作业车间调度问题进行了较为深入的研究。潘全科[1]和Low[2]等分别采用仿真验证了:在作业车间中,通过分批处理,可有效缩短机床的闲置等待时间,提高机床利用效率,缩短生产周期。但这些研究并未


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