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环保型钝化液的制备及性能研究 姜祖林,高琦,刘颖 (大连工业大学 轻工与化学工程学院,辽宁 大连 116034) 摘要:制备了一种由有机硅树脂和无机金属组成的硅烷钝化液,该钝化液可以在铝表面形成有机无机杂化膜。研究了钝化液浓度、钝化液pH值、硅树脂的质量分数和聚氨酯树脂的质量分数对杂化膜耐腐蚀性能的影响,并用傅立叶变换红外光谱仪对杂化膜进行红外光谱分析,通过SEM扫描电镜对杂化膜的微观形貌进行了表征,通过电化学实验对杂化膜进行测量,用开路电位、交流阻抗、tafel极化曲线研究不同条件下杂化膜的耐腐蚀性能。结果表明,钝化液浓度越高耐腐蚀性能越好。钝化液pH趋于3.9时,硅树脂质量分数大约在21%时,聚氨酯树脂质量分数为6%时杂化膜耐腐蚀性能较好。 关键词: 硅烷钝化液;杂化膜;硅树脂;聚氨酯树脂;耐蚀性 中图分类号: TQ 322.4 文献标志码:A Environmentally friendly passivation solution preparation and performance of the research JIANG Zu-lin, GAO Qi, LIU Ying (Institute of Light Industry and Chemical Engineering, Dalian Polytechnic University, Dalian, 116034,China) Abstract: This paper prepares a kind of silane passivation solution consisting of silicone resin and inorganic metal, which can form organic-inorganic hybrid membrane on the surface of aluminum. Besides, this paper also studies the influence of passivation solution concentration, and the proportion of PH, silicone resin, and polyurethane resin on corrosion resistance of hybrid membrane. In addition, an infrared spectrum analysis was carried out on the hybrid membrane with the aid of Fourier transform infrared spectrometer,and the microscopic morphology of hybrid membrane is using SEM scanning electron microscopy as well. Meanwhile, the hybrid membrane is measured by electrochemical experiments, and the corrosion resistance performance of hybrid membrane in different conditions is also explored by utilizing open circuit voltage, alternating impedance and tafel polarization curve. The result shows that the higher the passivation solution concentration, the better the performance of corrosion resistance, and that the corrosion resistance of hybrid membrane is better when PH tends to 3.9 ,the ratio of silicone resin is about 21% and the ratio of polyurethane resin is about 6%. Key words:silane passivation solution;hybrid membrane;silicone resin;polyurethane resin;corrosion resistance 世界每年因锈蚀而损失的金属数量巨大,防止金属锈蚀已成为科学研究中的重大问题。环保涂料的制备与使用可有效解决金属锈蚀问题[1-4]。环



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