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2011 年 第 6 卷第 1 期, 9 17 态 毒 理 学 报 Asian Journal of Ecotox icolo gy  Vo l. 6, 2011 No . 1, 9 17 环境毒理学研究进展 董芳1 , 李芳芳1 , 祁晓霞2 , 朱琳1, * 南开大学环境科学与工程学院, 污染过程与环境基准教育部重点实验室, 天津市城市生态环境修复与污染防治重点实验室, 天 津 300071 兰州大学资源环境学院, 兰州 730000 摘要: 综述了近年来环境毒理学的研究进展, 内容包括: 环境污染物对机体的影响及其环境行为、环境污染物及其转化物的毒性和评估方法、实验室模式生物、生物标志物以及环境毒理学在其他相关学科中的应用等。此外, 还对环境化学品管理和安全性评价、 H or mesis( 兴奋效应) 现象、遗传毒性致癌物的危险度评价、室内环境毒理学分析与研究等热点问题进行了讨论。并且指出了环境毒理学面临的挑战。 关键词: 环境毒理学; 环境污染物; 纳米材料; 持久性有机物; 环境类激素 文章编号: 1673 5897( 2011) 6 009 09 中国分类号: X171. 5文献标识码: A Advances in Environmental Toxicology Researches Dong Fang1 , Li Fang fang1 , Q i Xiaoxia2 , Zhu Lin1, * 1. K ey Labor ator y of P ollutio n Pro cesses and Enviro nmental Cr iter ia, M inistr y o f Educatio n/ T ianjin Key L abo rato ry of Env iro n mental Remediatio n and Po llut ion Contr ol, Co llege of Env iro nment Science and Eng ineer ing, Nankai U niversity, T ianjin 300071, China 2. Colleg e o f Earth and Envir onment al Science, Lanzho u U niversit y, L anzhou 730000, China Received 24 Decem ber 2009 accepted 30 M arch 2010 Abstract: Advances in env ironmental tox ico logy are review ed based on the published papers and authors stud ies. Co ntent includes the impacts of environmental po llutants on organism and their env ir onm ental behav io r, env ironmental pollutants and their transfor mation products tox icity and evaluatio n m ethods, laboratory mod el or ganisms, biom arkers, the application of environmental tox icolo gy in other r elated disciplines. In addition, sev eral hot issues such as environmental chemicals manag em ent and safety assessment, ho rmesis phenom enon, risk assessment of genetic tox icity carcinog ens, the tox icolo gy analysis of indoor environment are discussed. Challenges faced by enviro nm ental tox icolo gy are po inted o ut . Keywords: env ir onm ental tox ico logy; environmental pollutants; nanom aterials; POPs; EDCs 环境毒理学( enviro nmental tox icolog y) 是一门既


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