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录用批号 文章分类 文章编号 审稿费 稿件号 页面 收稿日期 2015年2月10日 CS20371、 修回日期 2015.3.29 用于电能质量分析的电弧炉混合模型研究 赵辉1,2,吕新亚2,王红君2,岳有军2 (1.天津农学院,天津,300384; 2.天津市复杂控制理论与应用重点实验室(天津理工大学),天津,300384) 交流电弧炉在冶炼过程中会产生严重的电能质量问题,。,首先建立了一种新型的电弧炉稳态模型利用正弦信号、高斯随机信号以及低频混沌信号对电弧半径进行调制后,最终得到电弧炉负载的动态模型。仿真结果表明,仿真得出的电压电流特性与实测的波形特性基本一致,模型能够精确描述电弧炉引起的谐波、电压波动及三相不平衡等模型准确且有效,取得了理想的仿真结果。 交流电弧炉;能量守恒;稳态模型;动态模型;伏安特性;仿真 TP391.9 文献标识码:A Study on hybrid model of arc furnace for electric energy quality analysis ZHAO Hui1,2,LV Xin-ya2 ,WANG Hong-jun2,YUE You-jun2 (1.Tianjin Agricultural University,?Tianjin?300384,China; 2.Tianjin?Key?Laboratory?of?Control?Theory??Applications?in?Complicated?System,?Tianjin?University?of?Technology,?Tianjin?300384,China) ABSTRACT:This paper focuses on the problem of arc furnace model which comprehensively performing the problems of power quality.AC arc furnace produced serious power quality problem in the process of smelting,which has the characteristics of large harmonic content, three-phase imbalance,continuous voltage fluctuation and flicker. Arc furnace model used to study the effect of power grids operation.Traditional methods with only one aspect of the features cant fully perform power quality problems.So a hybrid modeling method is presented by modulating the steady and dynamic model.The paper established a new steady state model firstly. Modulation of the arc radius using sine wave signal、Gauss random signal and low frequency chaotic signal, the dynamic model was established.imulation results show that the waveform characteristics of the current and voltage are basically consistent with the measured results, the model accurately describe the problems such as harmonic, voltage fluctuation and three-phase unbalance and obtained the accurate and ideal result of the simulation. KEYWORDS:AC arc furnace;conservation of energy;steady model;dynamic model;V-I characteristic; simulation 1 引言 [1]。因此无论从电压谐波分析和电压波动评价方面的需要,还是研究电弧炉电网谐波治理和无功补偿装置方面的需要,都有必要建立电弧炉负荷的精确模型,以作为其研究的


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