
Passage 8 the war over family valuesPassage 8 the war over family values.doc

Passage 8 the war over family valuesPassage 8 the war over family values.doc

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The War over Family Values How much effect do middle- class mores have in the ghetto(城市里面的穷人聚居区? By David Whitman with Dorian Friedman Quickie quiz’; Which of the following did Dan Quayle say in his controversial Murphy Brown ” speech ? 快速测试:下面哪一条是Dan Quayle在他的具有争议的”演讲上说过的? a) Governments cant raise children, people do, and the people who bring children into this world should all bear a responsibility for raising them. “政府不抚养孩子,由人们自己抚养,谁把孩子带到这个世界上,谁就应该负责养活他们” b) Murphy Brown… –celebrate(s) unwed motherhood as a glamorous lifestyle. 〈〈墨菲。布郎〉〉把未婚育儿颂扬为一种光彩的生活方式。 c) The basic moral standards of the society are dropping. Somebody must say that babies making babies is morally wrong. 社会的基本道德观念正在日趋下降,有的人可能要说少年怀孕是这个社会道德的错误. d) Every night, prime-time television assails [children] with mindless sitcoms and soap operas that present materialism and unrelenting self-gratification as the only goals worth pursuing. 每天晚上,黄金时段电视都用愚蠢的情景短剧和肥皂剧来骚扰儿童头脑,这些节目把实利主义和无休止的自我满足(自我陶醉,自恋》塑造成唯一值得追求的理想。 The correct answer: none of the above. In fact, all the quotations were uttered by liberals. 正确答案是:以上都没有。实际上,所有的引证都是出自自由主义者的。 To take the most pointed example- before Quayle gave his speech, Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, a left leaning researcher with the Institute for American Values, penned statement b in the Washington Post. 举个最明显的例子,在Quayle的演讲之前,美国价值观研究所思想左倾的研究员Barbara Dafoe whitehead 在《华盛顿邮报》上陈诉了b看法。 Yet leading Democrats who had delivered sermonettes( short speech) nearly identical to Quayles promptly (immediately, quickly) criticized his speech, including Bill Clinton (statement a ), Jesse Jackson (c) and Mario Cuomo(d). 还有个别领军民主党人Meanwhile, conservatives most notably George Bush - hemmed and hawed as to whether Quayle was right to attack Murphy Brown for bearing a child out of wedlock. 同时,保守者---特别是George Bush,当被问到Quayle指责Murphy Brown未婚生育是否正确时支支吾吾不予表态。(婚约) It seems that Murphys Law (if anything can go wrong, it will) has a new corollary:(conclusion) (系定理) If any politician w


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