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十层剪力墙结构研发综合楼设计(有地下室) 本建筑为 办公科研楼,工程地点在 立交桥东北角,西临东二环主路与城市绿化带相连接;南隔朝外大街与外交部相望;东临为东二环辅路,与“华普”大厦和吉祥里住宅小区为邻;北侧与朝阳广场为邻。建筑用地面积为约1.8万㎡。 ... p摘 要br / 毕业设计题目为办公楼,框架剪力墙结构研发综合楼设计,设计内容包括建筑设计、结构设计及经济分析。br / 建筑设计包括总平面设计、平面设计、剖面设计、立面设计、建筑设计说明及建筑施工图。建筑设计根据建筑位置及朝向、防火间距、日照等确定建筑物的平面分区及各房间的平面形状、面积大小及位置,并根据功能要求确定各层层高,并根据结构体系估算主要构件尺寸,由体型组合调整各部分比例尺度,使其比例适当,主次分明,并与环境协调。br / 结构设计包括构件尺寸的初步估定、剪力墙布置、屋面板及楼面板设计、荷载计算、框架及剪力墙刚度计算、水平地震作用计算、竖向荷载作用下框架内力计算、内力组合、筏形基础设计。结构设计应满足延性要求,即轴压比应满足规范要求、结构布置宜对称,刚度中心宜与结构几何中心重合。剪力墙布置应适宜,即刚度不宜过大或过小,以满足设计要求即可br / 经济分析包括填写编制说明、工程预算费用计算程序表、直接费汇总表、分部分项工程造价表、工程量计算表及经济分析报告。br / 关键词:建筑设计,结构设计,结构构件,剪力墙布置,轴压比,经济分析br / br / Summarybr / br / The graduation project topic is China Petrochemical office building, frame-shear wall structural building research complex building design, Design elements include architectural design, structural design and economic analysis. font color=#9a9a9a/font br / Total architectural design including graphic design, graphic design, profile design, vertical design, architectural design descriptions and construction plans. According to architectural design and construction position towards, fire spacing, Sunshine and other buildings to determine the plane and the area of the room plane shape, size and location According to the functional requirements and identify the layers of high, and according to estimates main structure scantlings by the size of the portfolio adjustment ratio scale, it appropriate proportion, boats, and with the environment. br / Design elements, including the size of the initial valuation, shear wall decorations, and the roof slab floor panel design, load calculation, stiffness and shear wall framework, the level of earthquake, the vertical load under the framework of internal forces, the internal forces of portfolio RAFT-based design. Structure should be designed to meet the ductility demand that the axial compression ratio should meet the requirements, structural layout to symmetry, Stiffness center to center and geome


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