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( xx年 x月 摘 要 提出了一种不同于现有的反应铸造工艺的一种新工艺,即采用SHS技术,结合传统铸造工艺方法,将Fe,Ti,C,Mo,Ni,Cr,AlTiC为体系,将规定比例的金属混合材料配合一定的粘结剂,放置在铸件的表面,在形成铸件的同时,使其表面形成具有一定厚度、一定韧性和较高硬度的耐磨复合材料。实验表明:既定金属的粉末通过合适的配比和适宜的压力所制成的试样是可以发生自蔓延反应的;且生成物与基体结合紧密;反应物内部化合相呈梯度分布。实验同时说明:用反应铸造的方法在铸件表面形成一层合金复合材料是可以实现的。 关键词:反应铸造;合金体系;梯度复合材料 Abstract A new technique which is different from the present technique for reaction-casting was put forward .The experiment combining with the way of casting make the power which is made of Fe、Ti、C、Mo、Ni、Cr、Al according to certain comparison into many porcelain and ceramics compound for distributing to bear to whet material on the surface of casting. In the case of experiment material and experiment condition, we will discuss the possibility that if the metal alloys mixture material can be fired by SHS technology according to the thermodynamics with related bad hot experiment analysis. Then we will put those pieces on the different surface of casting mold. We got the casting, at the same times, there was a piece of compound material which is certain thickness, certain tenacity and higher degree of hardness to bear to whet. The experiment indicated that the piece which is made of power of several kinds of material by certain comparison under the heavy pressure can be fired by the SHS technology. And we found that the compound material combined with metal base very well. It is possible that we can use the way of he Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) to get a piece of metal alloy compound material which is made on the surface of casting. Keywords:Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS;Alloy system; Gradient compound materials) 目录 引 言 1 第一章 绪论 2 1.1 SHS反应铸造技术 2 1.2 SHS技术的应用 2 1.3 SHS国内外现状 3 第二章 SHS反应热力学 4 2.1 Ti-C-Al-Ni体系反应热力学分析 4 2.2 自蔓延反应体系绝热温度的计算 5 2.3 绝热温度与反应起始温度的关系 7 2.4热力学计算反应体系的结论: 7 第三章 实验验证其反应的可行性 8 3.1 试样制备 8 3.1.1 实验材料及配方 8粉末原料的配方 9 3.1.2 实验所加各元素的作用及产物预测 9 3.2 差热实验 9 3.3 试



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