涉外授权委托书 涉外授权委托书【双语版】.doc

涉外授权委托书 涉外授权委托书【双语版】.doc

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涉外授权委托书 涉外授权委托书【双语版】

涉外授权委托书 涉外授权委托书【双语版】   涉外授权委托书   委托人:   法定代表人:   地址:   电话:   受委托人:xxxxx 工作单位/职务:xxx律师事务所律师   电话:xxxxx   单位地址:xxxxxxxxx   受委托人: 工作单位/职务:   电话:   单位地址:   现委托上列受委托人在与xxxx案件(下称ldquo;委托事项rdquo;)中,作为我方代理人。   代理人的代理权限:   调查取证,提出反请求、申诉、申请执行,参加庭审,代理陈述、答辩和辩论,处理相关的程序性事务,申请重新鉴定、勘验、评定和认证,签署、签收全部相关文件,转委托代理,代理调解、和解,承认、变更、放弃仲裁请求,撤回仲裁、反请求、申诉和执行申请。   委托期限:自本委托书签署之日起至委托事项办理终结止。   委托人: 受委托单位:xxxxx丰律师事务所   法定代表人: 受委托人:xxxx律师   受委托人:   XX年x月x日   power of attorney   client:   legal representative:   address:   tel:   attorney: wang weiping lawyer working unit/position: win-full lawfirm lawyer   tel: 159-3628-2578   address: 7f,riyuexingcheng,union of international business building, no.125, huanghe rd,zhengzhou,henan,china   attorney: working unit/position:   tel:   address:   i hereby appoint the attorney aforementioned as my attorney to act in the divorce matter (hereafter referred to as ldquo;commitmentrdquo;) relating to the divorce matter between i and xxxxxx   the power of the agents:   investigate and obtain the evidences, bring an cross-claim, petition, apply to enforce, appear in court, make a statement as an agent, make defense and argument, deal with the procedural affairs, apply for reappraisal, on-site investigation, evaluation and authentication, execute all relevant documents, submandate, make compromise and settlement as an agent, acknowledge, alter, waive arbitration for enforcement, revoke an arbitration, counterclaim, petition, application for enforcement.   term of proxy: the power of attorney shall come into effect as from the date of execution and shall remain in full force until the termination of the commitment.   client: lawfirm: win-full lawfirm   legal representative: attorney: wang weiping   date: 篇二: 部门及员工绩效考评制度 部门及员工绩效考评管理制度 为规范公司对部门和员工的绩效考评制定本制度。 1.目的 通过对部门和员工日常工作和行为规范的考核、考评,建立公司绩效考评管理系统,促进个人工作素养和整体工作效率的不断提高,防止和纠正部门和员工渎职、失职、违纪、违规行为,保证公司绩效目标管理的达成。 2.适用范围 适用于公司内部对部门和员工的各级考评、各类行为规范的考核的管理。 3.职责和权限 3.1总经理或其授权人或公司主管领导对总经理办公室和人力资源部有考评权和考核权,负责对各类考评、考核结果


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