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本科毕业论文(设计)(普通高等教育)论文题目石榴皮游离与结合态多酚的含量与抗氧化活性研究学 院生物科学与技术学院石榴皮中游离与结合态多酚的含量与抗氧化活性研究摘要石榴(Punica granatum L.)为石榴科(Punicaceae)石榴属(Punica L.)植物。石榴不仅营养丰富,而且富含多种生理活性物质,研究证实石榴多酚具有良好的抗氧化、抗病毒、抗肿瘤、调节血脂等功能。而在石榴各部分中,石榴皮中的多酚含量最高。目前石榴的栽培、深加工和产业化得到了迅猛发展,以石榴为原料的产品研究成为热点。石榴在我国种植面积广阔,其中石榴皮占石榴总重的30%左右,但是在石榴汁、石榴酒等食品加工中大部分却被丢弃了,资源浪费严重。本课题选取山东玻璃翠、山东大马牙、山东青皮、新疆和田、新疆喀什、新疆皮亚曼6种不同品种的石榴皮,用福林试剂法测定可溶性多酚和结合态多酚的含量,测定总黄酮的含量,高效液相色谱法测定鞣花酸含量,并以DPPH法、ABTS法、FRAP法分别评价石榴皮提取物的抗氧化活性。研究结果表明,可溶性多酚含量为57-156 mg GAE/g DW,结合态多酚含量为45-65 mg GAE/g DW,总黄酮含量为45-85 mg Rutin/g DW,鞣花酸含量为0.39-33.05 mg/g DW。石榴皮提取物的抗氧化活性次序为山东青皮山东大马牙新疆和田新疆喀什新疆皮亚曼山东玻璃翠,并与可溶性多酚、总黄酮及鞣花酸含量线相关。关键字:石榴皮、含量测定、抗氧化活性The content of free and combined with the state of poLyphenoL and antioxidant activity in Pomegranate peeLAbstractPomegranate is a kind of punicaceae genus, Pomegranate is not onLy nutritious, but aLso rich in a variety of physioLogicaL active substances, Studies confirm pomegranate poLyphenoLs has good antioxidant, antivirus, antitumor, reguLate bLood Lipids, and other functions. And in aLL parts of pomegranate, the poLyphenoLs content pomegranate peeL is the highest. At present, the pomegranate cuLtivation, deep processing and industriaLization has made rapid deveLopment, using pomegranate as raw materiaL product research has become a hot spot. Pomegranate pLanting area is broad in our country, which pomegranate peeL accounted for 30% of the totaL weight of pomegranate around, but in most of pomegranate juice, pomegranate wine and other food processing has been rejected, that resuLting in a waste of resources.In this subject,we seLect six different varieties of pomegranate peeL (Shandong BoLicui, Shandong Damaya, Shandong Qingpi, Xinjiang Hetian, Xinjiang Chashi, Xinjiang Piyaman). Use the forint reagent method for the determination of soLubLe poLyphenoL and combined with poLyphenoL content, determine the content of fLavonoids, high performance Liquid chromatography determine the content of eLLagic acid. And by DPPH ,ABTS and FRAP meth