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朵唯手机的定价策略研究 摘 要 21世纪是电子信息产业的高速发展时期,数字化产品的发展更是迅速而广泛。手机,作为数字产品中的一种,更是被人们所熟知运用。如今,时下正流行着一款专为女性打造的女性手机——朵唯,其别出心裁的时尚设计理念深受女性的欢迎。然而,朵唯手机目前还处在品牌发展的初步阶段,面对手机市场的严酷竞争,尤其是苹果、三星等品牌,它们的销售量几乎占据将近一半的市场份额,朵唯公司对未来的产品策划仍需不断努力,对市场的竞争力也不可掉以轻心。朵唯公司在进入手机行业后,虽然取得了一定的业绩,但是市场地位还不能和国内知名品牌步步高、联想比,和国外数字产品相比也还存在着巨大差距。本文以朵唯手机的定价策略为研究对象,结合朵唯公司的企业文化,对朵唯手机当前所面临的行业的营销环境进行分析总结。通过市场定位,分析目标消费群的消费特征、购买动机和购买习惯等内容,运用SWOT分析法分析朵唯产品的优劣势、机会和威胁,从而归纳了朵唯公司对手机定价方面所采用的定价策略,以及采用此种策略带来的优势和存在的问题,并提出对存在问题的建议,目的是使朵唯手机占领更多的市场份额,逐渐成为中国乃至世界的知名品牌。 关键词:数字产品,女性手机,朵唯手机,营销策略,定价策略 Study on pricing strategies of DOOV digital products ABSTRACT 21st century is a period of rapid development of electronic information industry, the development of digital products more quickly and widely. Now, theres a section specifically for women to build digital products - DOOV, its unique fashion design concept is popular among women. DOOV digital products, however, is still at the preliminary stage of brand development, face the harsh competition of the digital products market, Iphone, Samsung digital products, in particular, they almost occupy nearly half of the market share, sales of DOOV company in the future digital products plan still needs to continuous innovation, competitiveness of the market also cannot treat lightly. DOOV after the company in entering the digital products industry, although has obtained certain achievement, but one cant and domestic famous brand market position than BBK, Lenovo, compared with the digital products abroad is still a huge gap. Based on the DOOV digital products pricing strategy as the research object, combining with only the companys corporate culture, for DOOV phone currently faced by the industry marketing environment carries on the analysis summary. By analyzing market positioning, target customers of consumer characteristics, buying motivation and buying habits, etc, use SWOT analysis the advantages and disadvantages of DOOV phone, opportunities and threats, and sums up the DOOV for p


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