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北京市某花园小区高层住宅采暖、通风设计 摘  要 本设计是北京市某花园小区高层住宅采暖通风设计,要求根据建筑资料和原始资料给这座住宅楼设计高层采暖系统、地下室换热站系统、楼梯间设计一套正压通风系统、地下室人防通风系统。 对于住宅楼的高层采暖系统,本设计采用了双管下供下回系统,下供下回式系统缓和了上供下回缓和了上供下回式系统的垂直失调现象,有利于分户计量,安装供回水干管需设置地沟室内无供水干管,顶层房间美观。 地下室换热站利用热电厂提供的一次蒸汽通过汽水换热机组换热出95℃的热水供给住宅采暖。 楼梯间加压送风系统,在屋顶设置轴流式风机给楼梯间加压送风,每隔两层设一送风口,以达到着火时楼梯间的正压要求,让人群顺利逃生。 根据地下室人防要求,设置了平时、战时通风排风系统,本设计平时排风管作为战时送风,满足了战时清洁、滤毒、隔绝通风的要求。 Abstract The Design of Heating and Ventilating System for a Garden like Residence in Beijing. This was a design of a heating and ventilating system, the system was designed for residences in a high building. It was asked to design the heating system, the heat exchanging station in the basement, the ventilating system used in the stair half to maintain a positive air pressure, and the anti-aircraft ventilating system in the basement according the architecture and climate. In the residences’ heating system, the design used double plumb pipes, its hot water inpoured at the bottom and pouring at the same place. The system could diminish the unbalance between the flows. This benefited the measuring system in which the household measure its heat separately. The primary pipes transmitting water were fixed in the drain so that the pipes would not affect the beauty of the room. The heat exchanging station in the basement supply the hot water for the residences at the temperature of 95℃, the hot water get its heat from the steam which provided by the thermoelectric station. In the ventilating system in the stair half, epaxial draught fans were fixed at the roof, a place with a draught was set every two flow. While the building were on fire, the air pressure round the stair half were higher than outside and confluence could flee their lives successfully. According the requirement of the aerial defence , in the basement, the ventilating system were divided into two parts, one worked in peacetime and another in wartime. In this design the pipes ejecting air in peacetime would send air in wart


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