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高硫大分子结构 杨彦成1,陶秀祥1,2,许宁1 (1.中国矿业大学化工学院,江苏徐州221116; 2.中国矿业大学煤炭加工与高效洁净利用教育部重点实验室,江苏徐州221116) 摘要: 关键词: 中图分类号:TQ530 文献标识码:A Model construction of the Macromolecular structure of high-sulfur coke coal YANGYan-cheng1,T Xiuxiang1,2,X Ning1 ( School of Chemistry Engineering Technology, China University of Mining Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China 2. China University of Mining Technology, Key Laboratory of Coal Processing Efficient Utilization,Ministry of Education, Xuzhou 221116, China) Abstract:It is important for studying into the change of chemical forms and transmission mechanism of sulfur in coal during microwave desulfurization to perform the model construction of macro-molecular structure of high-sulfur coke coal. The relative contents of elements in coal and H/C was obtained via ultimate analyses of the coal. Appropriate quantitative analysis of the function groups that decided the macro-molecular structure of the coal was performed by FTIR analysis, and part of structural parameters was figured out. Based on the analyses of XPS, the existing forms and relative contents of sulfur in the coal were illustrated. According to above analysis and calculation, the model construction of macro-molecular structure of high-sulfur coking coal was carried out by computer-aided molecular design technology, simultaneously, the model was optimized based on energy minimized criterion and the appraisal followed up. Key words: high-sulfur coking coal; FTIR; XPS; macro-molecular structure model; computer-aided molecular design 由于煤炭组成的复杂性与非均匀性,对于煤炭的研究长期停留在煤的表观性质及煤与其他物质作用的宏观现象上。为了进一步解释煤炭的特性,必须对煤炭的结构进行深入的研究,这也使得煤炭结构的研究成为煤化学研究的核心问题[1,2]。可以肯定,从分子水平认识煤的组成和结构,从微观机理探究煤炭大分子在不同条件下的化学变化与化学行为将成为煤化学研究的发展方向[3-6]。而随着计算机技术的发展,特别是计算机辅助设计技术及量子化学计算理论的发展,煤结构的研究也全面进入了分子结构模拟计算的时代[7-9]。 近年来,国内外学者利用已有的煤炭结构信息,结合煤的化学分析、现代仪器分析结果,以计算机辅助分子设计技术去构建煤炭的大分子结构模型,并成功地解释和预测了煤的部分性质[10-14]。煤炭的脱硫是洁净煤技术中的关键环节,其中,微波脱硫是近年来关注度比较高的新型脱硫技术[15]。但至今为止,微波脱硫过程中含硫基团对微波的响应以及脱硫过程中硫的迁移机理等都未从分子水平上得到解释与验证。鉴于此


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