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口语部分 整个考试时间:16分钟左右。 第一项:询问个人信息 本项考试的时间:3分钟左右。 本项考试的形式:由考官逐个向考生提出问题,考生进行回答。 本项考试内容:涉及个人信息的诸多方面,考官的提问更是千变万化,但一定设计个人信息的某个方面。通常,为了核对考生资格,考官会问以下问题:What’s your name?/can you spell your family name?/can you spell your surname?/ what’s your number? 回答范例:My name is Ray. That’s R-A-Y, Ray. 本项考试的目的是:考官借助于对考生个人信息的提问,核对考生考试资格,并通过与考生之间的交流,考察考生的发音,语法和用词。 本项考试从难度上来说是口语三项考试之末,但由于其为考试第一项,所以考生在本项中留给考官们的印象至关重要。考生们必须认真对待。 考生在本项考试中必须做到: 1.克服考试开始时的紧张情绪。方法:提前进入考场,适应考场环境。了解考试模式,进行模拟训练。 2.听清考官所问之问题。若没有听懂,可以要求考官重复其问题。方法:使用I am sorry but could you repeat your question?/I beg your pardon, Madam(Sir)?等句型。 3.全面地回答考官提出的问题,不能跑题。 实用技巧:A. 对于考官提出的特殊疑问句,首先使用单词、词组或句子给予明确的答复。然后阐述理由。B. 对于考官提出的一般疑问句,首先答复yes或者no,然后阐述理由。C. 对于考官提出的选择疑问句,方法同A。 4.不要与另一位考生交流,不要干扰另一位考生的答题。 5.有时由于时间问题,考官有可能非常简单地进行本项甚至打断考生的答题,这考生的临场表现没有任何关系。出现上述情况,切忌紧张。 Part One (interviews) In the first part of the test the interlocutor addresses each candidate in turn and asks general questions. Candidates will not be addressed in strict sequence. This part of the test lasts about three minutes and during this time, candidates are being tested on their ability to talk about themselves, to provide personal information on their home, interests and jobs, and to perform functions such as agreeing and disagreeing, and expressing preference. General Procedure Examiners’ greeting and self-introduction Candidate’s names and hometowns Marksheets required Questions for reference Can you tell me about yourself? Can you tell me about your hometown? Can you tell me about your friends? Could you tell me about the facilities in your hometown? Could you tell me about your reasons for learning English? Could you tell me about your interests outside college or work? Could you tell me about your ambitions for the future? Could you tell me why you chose this type of work?/these studies? Could you tell me how much you use English at work?/in your studies? Could you tell me what you like best about your work?/studies? Could you tell me what you like least about your



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