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Meeting Minutes 一.Brief Introduction: Minutes are written as an accurate record of a groups meetings, and a record decision taken. They are useful because people can forget what was decided at a meeting if there is no written record of the proceedings. Minutes can also inform people who were not at the meeting about what took place. Before each meeting an agenda should be drawn up, detailing the matters to be discussed at the meeting. A set of minutes should normally include the following information: ·Name and topic of the meeting ·Time, date and place of meeting; ·Chair/Host/Owner of the meeting ·List of people attending; ·List of absent members of the group; ·For each item in the agenda, a record of the principal points discussed and decisions taken; ·Task List ·Whom will perform the tasks ·Deadlines ·Time, date and place of next meeting ·Name of person taking the minutes / Minutes Taker ·Topic for Discussion ·Voting Results ·Resolutions 二. 8 Tips for meeting minutes writing 会议纪要的8建议 1. 根据会议议程表制定会议纪要大纲,并根据议题的讨论顺序做记录。 2. 在会议前向每位小组成员分发会议议程表,使每位成员都能对会议有所准备。 3. 使用公司的固定格式。 4. 提前根据议程表制定大纲,并预留足够空间做笔记。当一个议题记录完毕,你可以迅速跳至下一个新议题。 5. 会议纪要应尽量简短扼要。不要过于繁琐。如果你想记下会议中的每句话,你可以考虑对会议录音,并在会后使你的会议纪要更详尽。 6. 为了确保能准确记录各位与会者的发言,应事先编写一份座位表并请不熟悉的与会者做自我介绍。 7. 应在会后当你的记忆还清晰的时候,尽快编写会议纪要。在会议纪要分发给每位成员前,确保会议主席已批阅。 8. 切忌,会议纪要只需记录会议中的重要议程。过于繁琐的信息应排除在会议纪要外。 当你在编写会议纪要时,如果能遵照以上这些简单的建议,英语会议中的各项内容将被很容易地记录下来 三.Especially in language ·formal tone of voice; ·Generally passive verb; ·Wording maximize the use of commonly used words. ·A In terms of the language, the language with the more formal, more emerged is more formal. Such as: so-so ( satisfactory) B. Avoid abbreviations:Corp ( Corporation ) C. Avoid using the person terms: our idea ( the company’s proposal ) D. passive voice Sample 1: Agenda for the meeting of a board of directors XYZ COMPANY Meeting of the Board of Directors to be held On Wednesday, April 3, 2009 at 10: 15 A. M. in The Company Boardroom. AGENDA 1. Apologies for ab


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