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“For instance, one graphic design intern likes to stress her flair in creativity, but she doesn’t actually know how to crop a picture properly,” he said.比如,一名平面设计实习生总在强调她在创意才华,但实际上她连如何正确裁剪图片都不知道。”他说道。College grads’ lack of hands-on experience is causing a “two-way dilemma” in the job market this year.大学毕业生们缺乏实践经验,这导致了今年的就业市场中“两难困境”的出现。employers are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit qualified candidates for their openings. 如今许多用人单位发现,为空缺职位找寻合适人选变得越来越难。 Meanwhile many grads are experiencing hardship landing job offers due to their “poor problem-solving abilities.” 同时很多毕业生由于“欠缺解决问题能力”而面临求职难的境地。 the situation has arisen due to a mismatch between the employers’ expectations and those of grads. “Employers wish to have job-ready recruits with the right set of basic skills, but students often tend to look at positions that are beyond their current ability range.” 这种情况是由于用人单位与毕业生们的期望值不符而造成的。“用人单位希望能招到具备良好的基本技能、工作能立即上手的新人,而学生们通常青睐那些超出当前能力范围的职位。” As graduation season approaches, 随着毕业季的临近,Consultant Wang points out that newbies’ reluctance to do ground-level work is because they wrongly project their place in the workforce. 职场顾问王健指出,职场新人们之所以不愿做基层工作,源于他们对自身职场定位的错误规划。“I told myself why not?” he said, “The work would build up my contacts and interpersonal skills, and would be useful.” “我对自己说试试何妨。”他说,“这项工作可以扩大我的人脉,同时培养人际交往技巧,会令我十分受用。” Wang suggests grads change their mindset. “Ground-floor work is not a burden, but an asset to your career, which will prove to be invaluable for your future.” 王健建议毕业生要调整心态。“基层工作并非负担,而是你职业生涯中的一笔财富,这终将成为你未来的无价之宝。 Only half of women actually enjoy being praised and many others misinterpret well-meant words as offensive, according to new research. 新研究发现,只有半数女性受到赞美会感到高兴,其他许多女性会将好意的赞美误解成冒犯。And you look well is one of the worst things a man can say to a woman - because she just thinks it means she looks fat. “你看起来不错”是男人能对女人说的最糟的话之一,因为女人会认为这句话的意思是她看起来很胖。 Other compliments likely to backfire include telling a woman that you like her make-up, or t


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