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Precautions to Protect Yourself 自我防范措施 The most important protection you can have against violent crime is knowing how to avoid it and how to maximize your personal safety in the event of a crime. Here are some tips recommended by crime prevention agencies that can help you lower your risk of becoming a victim. The following information highlights examples of security precautions you can take to help protect yourself, your family, and your property. This list is not meant to be all encompassing. Moreover, a particular precaution may not be effective in all circumstances. 对付暴力犯罪行为最重要的是你要知道如何避免, 及在犯罪行为发生的过程中你如何最大程度地保护自己. 在这里, 犯罪预防机构将对如何降低你成为受害者的风险给予几点提示.以下针对你如何保护你自己,你的家人,以及你的财产分别引用了一些生动的例子.但这些提示并不是对所有的情形都适用. 而且, 某些具体措施也并不是对所有情况都有效. Send the Right Message 发送正确的信息 Project confidence. Walk with purpose. 有把握的计划. 上街要有目的性 Guard your physical space. Keep an arms length away from strangers in all directions. 注意你的身体距离. 将自己与四周的陌生人保持在一臂距离的范围内. Carry your possessions as well as your self assertively. 要自个贴身携带随身物品 Dont feel embarrassed or shy about protecting your personal safety. If you dont, who will? 保护你自己人身安全时,不要感到尴尬或害羞. 你不保护自己, 谁来保护你? Stay Away From High-Risk Situations 远离高危情况 Stay on well-lit, well-travelled streets. Avoid unlit doorways and dark areas. 在照明良好, 易通行的街道上行走. 避免身处无照明的道路和光线暗淡的地方. Avoid being out alone, especially at night. 避免独自外出, 尤其在夜晚. Go shopping, jogging or travelling with a friend, if possible. If you do go out alone, stay in busy areas and avoid deserted streets. 尽可能和朋友一起去逛街购物, 慢跑运动, 或旅游. 如果你独自外出, 那么尽量在人多的场所,避免到偏僻的街道. Dont use shortcuts that take you down dark alleys or deserted paths. Your personal safety is more important than saving time. 不要抄捷径走光线暗淡或偏僻的小路.你的个人安全比节约时间更重要. Be Aware and Alert 时刻保持警觉 Always stay alert and aware of your surroundings. 时刻保持警觉,注意你周围的环境. Dont wear headphones -- they keep you from hearing someone approaching 不要戴耳机---戴耳机将使你听不到周围的动静. Trust your instincts. If someone makes you uncomfortable, get away quickly. 相信你的直觉. 如果对某人感


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