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第四卷 WWWJK04 单词out是指信息传送终止。 1.The word _______will indicate that the transmitting is ending. A. Out B. Over C. Speaking D. Listening A 下列哪些情况是最恐慌时发生的?弃船 2.Which of the following cases is the situation when most panic occurs?. A.main enging failure B.steering gear failure C.abandoning ship D.man overboard C 遇到各种紧急状态时应该如何做?请选下列两个答案. A警报通知所有船上成员.C确保已履行职责 3.What should be done in all emergencies? Please chose TWO answers from the following. A.To alert all members on board B.To keep detailed plans C.To get the assigned equipment for use D.To make a checklist on the spot AC 当你听到火警声时你应做出下列哪些措施? 取指定的设施来使用。 4.Which of the following actions should you do when you hear a fire alarm? A.To inform, the bridge. B.To get the assigned equipment for use C.To open the compartment D.To rescue the injured person immediately B 当你听到紧急警报声时你应做出下列哪些措施?走向召集站 5.What should you do when you hear the emergency alarm? A.To proceed to the muster station B.To inform the master C.To assign duty to your officer D.To stand by equipment required A 甲板上,你看见一个男子坠海,你该怎么做?大喊“有人坠海了。”并掷一个救生圈给水中的男子 6.When you are on deck and see a man fall overboard, what should you do? A.To shout ‘man overboard’ and throw a lifebuoy to the man in water B.To put on a lifebuoy and jump into the water to rescue the person in water C.To run to the bridge and keep sharp lookout. D.To inform the bridge and try to rescue the person in water A 假如掌舵失灵,你该如何做?通知船长和轮机舱,拉响紧急警报,并发出适当信号。 7.What should you do in case of steering failure? A. Inform Master and engine room, sound emergency alarm, and exhibit appropriate signals. B. Inform Master and call all deck hands to stand by on forward station. C. Inform Master and then inform engine room to stop engine D.Inform Master and engine room, sound fire alarm, and hoist NUC signals A 万一失去电力,选择下列正确的步骤, 8.Chose the correct procedure in case of electrical power . A. switch on NUC lights→inform ships in vicinity by VHF→change over to hand steering→switch off equipment→s



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