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一、听写 根据选定的材料来进行听写,关于听写需要注意的是 1 、先将听力材料先听一遍或几遍,看看自己能听懂多少,再听写。复读听写一般以5-8秒的短句为单位,5-8秒短句实际是机械记忆音节,超过10秒音节太多,只能理解记忆. 不利于听写。 2 、遇到听不出来的单词,尽量查字典,实在没法了,才对参考文章。这样主要是为了增强辩音能力。同时也是为了增大声音与脑子反应之间刺激强度。 3 、工具:一定要使用复读机或复读软件(针对具有微机的朋友而言)。如果使用复读机听写,建议结合《听音查字词典》来听写,该书能够极大的增强您的猜字能力。当然英汉词典或电子词典也是必须的。如果是使用听力软件,则建议使用听力查字字典的电子版。同时结合金山词霸等软件。这样可以提高听写的效率。 点击收听声音文件:(2003-03-24-1930) 产生的文件为听写纪录。 形式如:0324Special1930听写记录。 (包含错误)British Prime Minister Tony Blair says coalition ground troops are pushed withing 100 kilometers at Baghdad. He told parliament monday that after two hours Iraqi Leader Saddam Hussein were at what he called a critical moment. He said that British and American troops are close to the town of Kerbela, and will soon meet with Iraqs Republican guard. Mr Blair said he expects the Iraqi guard to put up strong resistance. Military experts say they fast movement north by coalition forces has striked out supply lines and let the troops open to Iraqi attacks, However, Mr Blair says the coalition goal is to reach Baghdad as soon as possible. 篇幅:109 词。 语速:105词/分 (104) 听写: 4遍。 0.5小时 二、对照 对照的前提是实在是听不出来了。这样通过参照标准文稿就可以从自己的错误中学到很多知识。对照是非常重要的一个环节,也是最容易被忽视的的一个环节。 其具体操作可参考下面的做法。 (另外,供参照的文稿如下:)British Prime Minister Tony Blair says coalition ground troops have pushed to within 100 kilometers at Baghdad. He told parliament Monday that efforts to oust Iraqi Leader Saddam Hussein were at what he called a critical moment. He said that British and American troops are close to the town of Kerbela, and will soon meet with Iraqs Republican guard. Mr. Blair said he expects the Iraqi guard to put up strong resistance. Military experts say the fast movement north by coalition forces has stretched out supply lines and left the troops open to Iraqi attacks, However, Mr. Blair says the coalitions goal is to reach Baghdad as soon as possible. 1 、错误总结和分类:包含语音类,语法类,拼写类等 (1) 语音:如:Two-To, Let-left, withing-within, they-the, after-efforts。 (2) 语法:如:Are pushed-Have pushed (3) 拼写:如:monday-Monday, Mr- Mr. (4


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