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采购-供应商谈判高级课程 Senior Course of Purchasing-Supply Negotiation skills ---中西方纵横与双赢的战术与实战 Chinese Zong-Heng and West Win-Win Skills and Practice 【时间地点】:2012年3月22-23日*上海 4月19-20日*上海 【培训费用】:2980元/人(含授课费、资料费、会务费、午餐费) 【培训对象】:采购总监、采购经理、采购主管、采购员、销售经理、合同经理、总经理等。 【联系电话】: 010 刘洋 邮箱beijing_jiayou@ 博客:/dingxinyinghua 【主办单位】: 北京鼎新英华管理顾问有限公司 【培训目的Benefits】 在经过两天的学习及参与式体验,您将逐渐掌握以下各项知识和技能: Through 2 days study, you will learn and understand more about the below negotiation skills and technologies: ??懂得世界八大谈判体系的内涵; ??Learn 8 negotiation system and key points ??把握谈判的主动权,有效地准备、进行和控制谈判流程; ??How to drive and prepare the negotiation, and then to control the negotiation process ??了解自己的做事风格和谈判水平; ??Learn more about your negotiation styles and levels more deeply ??深入理解人性、各国文化和特点,因人施谈; ??Lean the human nature, different cultures and characteristic ??了解有效交流的实质并掌握沟通的两大核心技巧; ??Learn how to communicate and the two core skills ??洞悉谈判机理、谈判悖论以及谈判心理学; ??Learn the negotiation psychologically more deeply ??彻底搞明白立场与利益的关系;知道到底是谁更重要; ??Understand the position and the benefit and which one is more important ??中国式谈判的纵横阴阳之术及技巧; ??Chinese negotiation skills such as “Zhong-Heng and Yin-Yang”; ??西方式谈判的双赢谈判战术及技巧; ??West-American negotiation skills such as the “Win-Win” ??开始拥有谈判大智慧,从而增加不战而胜的几率。 ??Be more wise and intelligent in negotiation 实际参与模拟谈判,老师现场对你的表现做出评价和反馈,您会如梦方醒,豁然开朗! The trainer will evaluate each team member performance and provide the related skills need to be improved face to face, it is very constructive and precious!. 【课程大纲Guideline】: 谈判的概念和谈判的类型 Charter 1. The concept and category of the Negotiation ??什么是谈判,为什么采购人员必须学习谈判? What is the negotiation, why we need to learn the negotiation ??什么不是谈判:一般人对谈判的三大误解;什么是谈判,采购人员必须学习谈判的理由。 misunderstanding of the negotiation ??谈判得以发生的条件及我们应有的态度。 What is the correct attitude in the negotiation ??自我测试:通过对37个问题的回答,你将知道自己目前


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