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基于单片机的水泵清洗设备设计 作者:任广禄 摘 要 清洗是一种与人们生活实践关系十分密切的劳动,人类从远古时期就开始从事这种劳动.由于传统清洗操作简单,或只是作为一道工序依附于生产过程中,没有引起广泛关注.进入21世纪,人们生活已经从温饱阶段进入到舒适时代,对于清洗产品越来越多的需求,加速了新产品研发步伐;同时,制造业的高速发展,也促进了清洗设备、等企业的快速进步,现在对于清洗设备的也有了很高的要求,自动控制和控制显示发展也有了飞速的发展,清洗设备现在在人们生活中已经占据着很大的地位,但是清洗设备的改进还在不断地发展,能够把清洗设备自动化并能够显示工作状态也有了进一步的发展。基于单片机的功能控制和液晶显示也越来越多,在本次设计中主要应用以AT89C52单片机为控制核心,通过控制的的命令来反映要执行的动作,并通过RT12864M液晶显示器显示正在运行的工作状态。 关键词:AT89C52;RT12864M;清洗 ABSTRACT Cleaning is a practice with peoples lives very close working relationship, the beginning of mankind from ancient times in this work due to the traditional cleaning is simple, or simply as a process dependent on the production process has not caused widespread concern. Into the 21st century. , peoples lives have been comfortable from the stage into the era of food and clothing, cleaning products for the growing demand, accelerate the pace of new product development; the same time, the rapid development of the manufacturing sector, also contributed to the cleaning equipment, such as the companys rapid progress, now For cleaning equipment also have high demands, the development of automatic control and control display has also been rapid development of cleaning equipment has been in peoples lives now occupies a great position, but improvements are constantly cleaning equipment development, to automate the cleaning equipment and working conditions has also been able to show further development. Microcontroller-based control and LCD display features more and more, in this design, the main application for the control of the AT89C52 microcontroller core, by controlling the order to reflect the action to perform, and through RT12864M LCD display is the work of running state. Key Words: AT89C52; RT12864M; Cleaning 目 录 1引 言 1 1.1基于单片机控制的正反转水泵清洗设备的设计的目的、意义 1 1.2国内外在泵清洗设备上面的大力发展 1 1.3本论文主要设计的主要内容 1 2系统框图及工作原理 3 2.1系统整体框图 3 2.2各模块工作原理 3 3系统硬件组成原理 5 3.1系统核心单片机的发展 5 3.1.1单片机的简介


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