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保持精力瘦身大法 People in tropical countries are enjoying the heat of the sun, the opportunity to do outdoor activities, travel, and of course everyones favorite, swimming. 热带地区的人享受着阳光的热量,热爱户外运动,热爱旅游,当然还有每个人最爱的游泳。 Summer is more felt in those locations, and there are increased number of patrons going to beaches, hotel resorts, private pools, and other places where they could enjoy the invigorating and refreshing feeling of water. 这些地区的夏日气息特别强烈,而且还有持续增长的游客来到这里的海滩,假日酒店,私人游泳池以及其他一些可以给人们神清气爽和享受感觉的水的地方。 Hence, whether its summer or not, here are the top 10 health benefits of swimming that you should bear in mind to keep yourself up, energetic, and active. 因此,无论是不是夏天,接下来讲的游泳的十大益处你可以牢记于心来鼓舞你自己,让自己积极向上,让自己变得更加充满活力。 10. Improves appetite control 10. 加强对饮食的控制 You dont need to deprive yourself too much just to stop your cravings for food. 你不需要过分剥夺自己的权利,你只需要停止你对食物的渴望。 Spending regular time each day to swim for an hour or two, would make you feel that your appetite decreases. 每天有规律的花上一两个小时游泳,你将会发现你的食欲有所下降。 Thus, it helps you to have more control as to how much food you will take in, and when is the appropriate time to eat. 因为,游泳帮助你更好的控制你自己的饮食量以及最佳饮食时间。 This is an ideal way of doing or practicing a balanced diet without feeling the need to lose weight. 这是一个在不需要减肥的情况下养成规律的饮食习惯的好方式。 9. It keeps your respiratory tract healthy 9. 保持呼吸道健康 According to studies, regular swimming boosts up the oxygenation process in bronchi, and lungs that results to an increased capacity of the respiratory system, which people normally gets when they do typical exercises like jogging, walking, and other physical movements. 研究表明,经常游泳能增强呼吸道和肺的氧化过程,这将有助于增加呼吸道的容量,人们通常通过做一些典型的运动,比如,慢跑,散步和一些其他身体上的运动来得到这种氧化过程。 Of course, you also need to ask for a physicians advice if you have a current respiratory disease or condition that may complicate when you swim. 当然,如果目前你身体上存在呼吸道的疾病及问题,你就需要问下医生这种情况下游泳会不会使情况变的更糟。 8. It controls blood pressure 8. 控制血压 Instead of having a regular maintenance of medi


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