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隆重推介 RHB股息價值基金 基金目標 Fund Objective: 通過主要投資在提供高週息率及穩健派息之股票及股票相關證券,提供總回酬 To provide total returns primarily through investment in equity and equity related securities of companies which offer attractive yields and sustainable dividend payments Investor Profile: 適宜願意承擔溫和風險投資者,希望資本成長及一些收入,並願意接受資本價值短期波動的投資者 For investors of moderate risk profile - Suitable for investors who want capital growth and some income and are willing to accept short term fluctuations in capital values. 投資在提供比市場內其他公司更高週息率,以及可從業務與管理活動中取得充裕流通現金以便支持高派息率的公司 To invest in companies that offer higher expected dividend yields compared to other companies in the market and whose cash-flow generated by business and management activities are expected to support such dividend payments 基金淨資產值的高達70%是外國股票,集中在下列國家 Up to 70% of the Fund’s NAV is in foreign equities, focusing on the following countries: 新加坡 Singapore - 香港/中國 Hong Kong/China 泰國 Thailand - 韓國 Korea 印尼 Indonesia - 台灣Taiwan 印度 India - 澳洲 Australia 菲律賓 Philippines 為什麼投資海外? Why Invest Abroad? 提高組合回酬的機會 Opportunities to enhance Portfolio Returns 通過多元化減低風險 Reduce Risk through Diversification 國家、領域、貨幣與資產等級 Countries, Sectors, Currencies and Asset Classes -根據歷史,沒有一個領域/國家可以持續維持超越市場的 表現 Based on history, no one sector/country can consistently outperform the market over times 多元化可間接避免市場的時機 Diversification avoids market timing indirectly 世界股市市值 World Stock Market Capitalization 大馬股市VS岸外股市 Malaysian Equities vs Offshore Equities 股息的好處 Case for Dividends 股東獲現金回酬,且可產生複合作用 Cash returns to shareholders, which can be compounded over time 顯示現有業務可取得流通現金 An indication of cash-flow generation for the underlying business 改善資本效益 Improved capital efficiency 股息穩定可支持股價 Share price support where dividends are deemed sustainable. 增加鍾愛高息股的機構投資者的持股比率 Increased institutional equity participation naturally favors yield plays. 持續派息─來自高息股 CONSISTENT DIVIDEND PAYOUT - derived from super yielding dividend stocks 在股市向好時有資本增


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