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外交学院200X级 同等学力人员申请硕士学位论文 论反垄断法对阻碍正当 竞争行为之规制 专业: 国际法 方向: 国际经济法 导师: X X X 教授 作者: X X X 200X年X月 摘 要 反垄断法已经成为世界各国法律体系中必不可少的组成部分,为经济活动的正常运行提供了法律保障。因此,随着我国经济的日益发展,制订反垄断法势在必行。 本文首先对垄断进行界定,进而详尽地分析垄断行为的实质,综合比较各国反垄断立法对垄断行为进行约束时所遵循的原则及适用标准,并结合我国现实状况,最终得出:反垄断法应该关注获得特定市场优势地位的企业,但其所规制的对象不应该仅针对规模大的企业本身,而重点是破坏正当竞争的垄断行为。只要该行为的目的是限制竞争,无论行为主体是单个的还是联合的,无论垄断危害是否已经出现,都应该在法律规制的范围之内。同时还得出:在对垄断行为进行判断的过程中,市场支配地位是其核心因素。对特定主体是否具有市场支配地位准确认定,是反垄断法判断一项行为是否属于其规制范畴的重要前提。在此前提下,反垄断立法应结合本身违法规则和合理性规则,对特定行为做出判断,根据其对市场竞争的危害,兼顾对社会公共利益的影响,最终做出对一项行为禁止、限制或允许的裁决。 关键词:垄断 反垄断 市场支配地位 本身违法规则 合理性规则 Abstract Anti-monopoly law has been a fundamental part in the legal system in most countries, which safeguard the due economic activities. Therefore, following China’s economic development, it is imperative to draw our own anti-monopoly law. In this article, based on the reality in China, the author defines the rang of monopoly, then analyzes the essence of the monopolistic action, and compares principles and standards which are applied in other countries’ anti-monopoly laws, finally draws the conclusion that: Anti-monopoly should pay attention to enterprises which possess particular advantages in markets. However, its target is not to restrict the size of an enterprise itself, but an action destroying or to destroy the due competition in markets. As long as the purpose of an action is to hinder competition, it should be restricted by laws, no matter it is made by a single enterprise or united ones, even no matter damages of this monopoly have been made or not. And what’s more, the dominating power should be one of highlights in anti-monopoly laws. This is the important premise for the judgment of monopolistic action. According to this, anti-monopoly laws should combine the per se rules and the rule of reason, in order to make the correct judgment and proper decision. Otherwise, in this course, laws should also consider other factors, such


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