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Diet: Mediterranean 饮食:地中海式 The Diet with the best CVD reduction evidence 是最具有降低心血管疾病证据的饮食 Increased intake of fruits and vegetables: 5+/day增加了水果和蔬菜的摄入: 5+/每天 Increased fiber增加了膳食纤维 40-50% Decrease in risk of CAD and stroke compared to low fiber diets与低纤维饮食相比,降低了CAD 和中风危险40-50% Decreased saturated and trans fat intake减少了饱和脂肪和反式脂肪摄入 Increase mono/polyunsaturated fat intake: Fish, Olive Oil, nuts, seeds 增加了单/多不饱和脂肪摄入:鱼、橄榄油、坚果、籽。 Decrease Salt减少了盐 Benefits益处 Decreased LDL and Increased HDL 降低了LDL和增加了HDL Decreased blood pressure降低了血压 Weight loss减轻了体重 Up to Date: Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. Back 每天体力活动 面包、面食、米饭、麦片、玉米大麦粥、其它全谷类和土豆 水果 蔬菜 每天 每周 每月 橄榄油 奶酪、酸奶 鱼 家禽肉 鸡蛋 甜品类 肉 每天饮料建议: 6杯水 适量葡萄酒 豆类、坚果 Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. Mediterranean Diet Systematic Review地中海式饮食系统回顾 1,574,299 subjects followed 3-18 years 157.4299万受试者,随访3-18年 Reduced all cause mortality (RR 0.91) 降低了全因死亡率(RR 0.91) Reduced CV mortality (RR 0.91) 降低了心血管死亡率(RR 0.91) Reduced Cancer mortality (RR 0.94) 降低了癌症死亡率(RR 0.94) Reduced Parkinson‘s disease and Alzheimer’s disease (RR 0.87)降低了帕金森病和阿尔茨海默病(RR 0.87) Sofi F et al. Adherence to Mediterranean diet and health status. BMJ 2008; 337:a1344. doi:10.1136/bmj.a1344.? Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. Diabetes: CVD equivalent 糖尿病:心血管疾病等危症 Diabetics have a higher prevalence of CAD, a greater extent of coronary ischemia, and are more likely to have an AMI and/or a silent MI糖尿病病人具有较高的冠心病患病率,具有更大范围的冠状动脉缺血,更可能有急性心肌梗死和/或静态的心肌梗死。 In DM1 approximately 35% have CAD by age 55 vs. 8


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