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Outline 提纲 China Energy and Carbon Registry 中国能源与碳注册系统 Funded by Rockefeller Brother Fund and Hewlett Foundation 由美国洛克菲勒兄弟基金会和惠普基金会的资助 The goal is to set up a reporting system for Energy and Carbon Registry, this system is complied with ISO GHG emission standard. 为中国开发和建立一套符合ISO标准的碳排放与能效注册系统——“中国能源与碳注册系统(CECR)” Establish baseline to inform reduction strategy You can’t manage what you don’t measure! Prepare for regulation 建立一个节能和减排的基准:你无法控制你不知道的参数, 同时为将来对温室气体的监控打下基础。 Protocol and Standards 协议和标准 Green House Gas Protocol PAS 2050 ISO 16064 shadow price of carbon EU Experience 欧盟经验 CDP-碳披露项目 CDP-碳披露项目 CDP-碳披露项目 Carbon Trust 碳信用 Carbon Trust 碳信用 Carbon Trust 碳信用 USA Experience 美国经验 Staying ahead of the curve 与时俱进 International policy and reporting 国际政策和碳汇报 The Registry… Is on the international Carbon Disclosure Standards Board Is partnering with iCET to develop a China registry Has served as a resource on GHG reporting to India, Brazil, and the Philippines, among others Both iCET and TCR are accredited NGOs to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 气候注册处与能源与交通创新中心都是联合国气候变化框架的观察员。 Scope 3 范围3的汇报 The Registry is working with the World Resources Institute (WRI) on developing a North American Scope 3 reporting standard A willing President, a nervous Congress, a poised regulator 一个有意愿的总统,紧张的国会和做好准备的国家环保局 Getting the White House in order 白宫的政令 Executive order for federal agencies to report and reduce GHG emissions, assess collecting GHG data from suppliers Congress 国会的犹豫 Comprehensive cap-and-trade bill passed in the House in 2009 Compromise legislation appears unlikely this year US EPA 美国国家环保局 Mandatory GHG Reporting Rule (takes effect in 2011) Tailoring Rule: requires certain major stationary sources to obtain a permit for GHG emissions (phased-in beginning Jan 2011) Canadian Case 加拿大的经验 Mandatory GHG reporting program in place since 2004 “Aligning the approach of Canada and the United States to climate change and its multiple challenge


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