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昆明精神 春融万物 和谐发展 敢为人先 追求卓越 昆明发展定位 富强昆明 活力昆明 文化昆明 生态昆明 和谐昆明 昆明,云南省省会,中国西南地区重要的中心城市之一,历史悠久。 Kunming, the provincial capital of Yunnan, is a major city in southwest China with a long history. 地理条件:昆明位于云南省中部,地形北高南低,是中国通向东南亚、南亚的重要门户,西南地区中心城市之一。 面积:全市总面积约21011平方公里,其中主城建成区225平方公里。 气候:昆明地区属低纬高原山地季风气候,年平均气温15.1℃,全年日照时数2250小时左右,无霜期达240天以上,因温湿度适宜,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,四季如春,花开不绝,植物生长茂盛,以“春城”著称。 行政区划:昆明辖5区8县1市(县级市),有石林彝族自治县、 禄劝彝族苗族自治县和寻甸回族彝族自治县等3个少数民族自治县。 人口、民族:全市常住人口623万人,聚居着汉、彝、回、白、苗、傈僳等26个民族。 Geological Conditions: As a major city located in central Yunnan Province of southeast China with a landform high in the north and low in the south, Kunming is a key passageway to southeast and south Asian countries. Area: The city covers a total area of 21,011 square kilometers, of which the area for construction into the main district accounts for 225 square kilometers. Climate: In the climatic zone of low latitude, plateau hilly monsoon, at the annual average temperature of 15.1℃ with 2250 annual sunshine hours approximately and over 240 days of the frost-free period, Kunming is renowned as“Spring City”featuring year-round spring without scorching summer or freezing winter days and uninterrupted blooming and lush dates for flowers and plants thanks to a mild temperature and humidity. Administrative Division: Kunming comprises five districts, eight counties and one county level city, of which Shilin, Luquan and Xundian are three ethnic autonomous counties: Yi ethnic for the first and second while Hui and Yi for the third. Population and Ethnicity: The population of permanent residents totaled 623, where Han, Yi, Hui, Bai, Miao, Lisu and other ethnic 26 groups gather. 城市名片 ★ 中国历史文化名城   ★ 中国优秀旅游城市     ★ 2008浙商最佳投资城市       ★ 2008中国制造业最佳投资城市         ★ 中国省会十大活力城市    ★ 建设创新型国家(2008)十强市     ★ 中国十大最具幸福感城市   ★ 全国创建文明城市工作先进城市 ★ 全省首批文明城市 City name cards ★ The Famous Cities of Chinese History and Culture ★ China’s Top Tourist Cities ★ 2008’ the Best Cities for Investment of Zhejia


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