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学号:201010311024 上海海事大学 本科生毕业设计(论文) 学 院:信息工程学院 专 业:计算机科学与技术 班 级:计算机101班 姓 名: 指导:徐 明 完成日期: 2014年5月30日 摘要 本系统拟以鲜花代为虚拟商品(后面商品就以各种鲜花代替),开发了一个B2C的网络电子商城系统。基本实现了如用户注册、用户资料修改、用户登录、商品购买、商品有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站、管理员登录和密码修改、商品的管理、管理员管理等功能。 客户和销售者是网上商城系统的主要使用者:对于客户来说,其需求功能主要是浏览商品,存放商品,订单生成;对于销售者来说,需要对的信息,的信息,以及的信息进行管理。 关键词:购物车商品管理客户管理有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站查询Abstract With the development of society and the advancement of software technology, more and more enterprises and individual apply the approaches of information management to their fields, so it is beneficial for them to develop a software management system .In this background, many companies are beginning to develop their own B2C E commercial sites, on the Inter net, they can promote their goods to the whole world. And for the enterprises themselves, Compare to its online store, the cost of stores in the reality is very low. For consumers, online ordering is more convenient for them. This system is intended to use flowers to replace the virtual goods and in the left of the paper, we use flowers to replace the goods. The system has developed a B2C online electronic system. It has basically achieved some usage, such as registration of users, information changes of users, the login of users, product purchase, searches of product, the administrator login and password changes, management of goods, management of administrator. Customers and sellers are the main users of the online store system, for customers, its main commodities demand function is storage of goods and ordering of goods, for some sellers, we need to manage the information of the goods, customers and the orders Key words: Shopping cart; Goods management; Customer management; Search query 目录 第一章 引言 1 1.1 开发背景 1 1.2网上购物 1 1.3网上购物的优点 2 1.4系统软硬件配置要求 4 第二章 平台开发工具 5 2.1 JSP技术 5 2.2 Javabean 6 2.3 JSP内置对象 6 2.4配置站点 7 2.4.1 JDK的安装和配置 7 2.4.2 Tomcat的安装和配置 8 第三章系统需求分析与流程设计 9 3.1系统功能需求分析 10 3.2系统流程分析 11 第四章 数据库设计 12 4.1 系统E-R图 12 4.2数据库表设计 14 第五章 系统实现与分析 14 5.1系统首页 14 5.2用户注册 17


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