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摘 要 房间温度控制系统利用可编程控制器(简称PLC)对房间内的温度进行控制,PLC具有控制精度高的特点,能够把室温精确的控制在±0.1oC范围内。温度测控领域发展迅速,并且随着数字技术的发展,温度的测控芯片也相应的登上历史的舞台,能够在工业、农业等各领域中广泛使用。 设计了房间温度控制系统。该系统由西门子系列的PLC、温度传感器、A/D转换器、D/A转换器、加热器等组成。该温度控制系统采用闭环控制,当室温低于30oC时进行加热,超过30oC时开启风扇进行降温,以保证控制温度在30±0.1oC,该系统具有运算简单、调整方便的特点。并且介绍了房间温度控制系统的组成、特殊功能模块、PLC系统控制程序、系统的调试和安装使用时的注意事项等。 从参数整定和调试的结果来看,本文研究的温度控制系统在一定条件下能够稳定、准确和及时地对被控量——温度进行有效地控制,达到了预期效果。 关键词: PLC;温度控制系统;PID Abstract Room temperature control system of the plc programmable controller (PLC ) short of the room temperature for control, plc has high precision of the room temperature control is accurately ± 0.1 mm ordm. The temperature field in developing rapidly, and tracking control as a digital technology, the temperature of the tracking control the chip also related to the historical stage, the industrial and agricultural areas in wide use,in this type need to translate words. The room temperature control system design. This system consists of Siemens PLC of series, the temperature sensor, A/D converter, D/A converter, heater, etc. The temperature control system adopts closed loop control, when temperature below 30 ° C for heating, more than 30 ° C to open when, in order to ensure that the cooling fan control temperature in 30 ± 0.1 ° C, this system has a simple, convenient adjustment. And introduces the room temperature control system, special function module and PLC control system, the system of debugging and program installation use the matters needing attention. Parameters and debugging from the results of research, the temperature control system in given conditions to stable and accurate and timely to the control of temperature — — an effective control and achieve the desired effect. Keyword: PLC;Temperature control system;PID; 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 引言 1 1.2 PLC概述 2 1.3 本文的主要工作 3 第二章 温度控制系统理论设计 4 2.1 模拟量闭环控制的基本概念 4 2.1.1 模拟量闭环控制系统的组成 4 2.1.2 闭环控制的主要性能指标 4 2.2 PID 原理


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