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段落的整体性 Paragraph Unity 段落写作要遵循整体性或统一性(unity)原则,这是段落写作 的重要要求之一,这对任何文体的写作都极为重要。段落的整体性 是指段落内容应保持一致,每个段落只能阐述一个中心思想,每一 个句子都应与主题句密切相关,那些与主题无关和不能展开论证主 题思想的句子应删去,从而形成一个严谨的段落内容结构。如要讨 论另一个观点,就要另起一段。 阅读下面段落,并分析段落是否具有一致性。 There are few places in the world today that have not been spoiled by industrial development and pollution.The air we breathe is more often than not polluted by the smoke from factory chimneys and the exhaust fumes of motor vehicles,while chemical waste poisons our rivers,lakes and seas.And by covering more and more of the earth’s surface with buildings and roads,we are erecting huge barriers of concrete between ourselves and nature.It would appear that we are purposely cutting ourselves off from nature and destroying wildlife as we do so. 这段例文中,所有的句子都是围绕着“我们生存环境被污染, 生态环境被破坏”这一主题论述的,具有较好的统一性。 Another problem facing a number of elderly people is living on a reduced income.Upon retiring,old people may receive a pension from their company or Social Security from the government. The amount of their monthly checks is often half the amount the checks they received when they were employed.Suddenly,retirees find that they can no longer continue the life-style that they had become accustomed to, even if that life-style was a modest one. Many find, after paving their monthly bills,that there is no money left for a movie or a dinner out.Of course,sometimes they can’ t go out because of their health.Maybe they have arthritis or rheumatism and it is painful for them to move around.This can also change their life-style. Some older people,however,discover that the small amount of money they receive will not even cover their monthly bills.They realize with horror that electricity,a telephone,and nourishing food are luxuries they can no longer afford.They resort to shivering in the dark,eating cat food in order to make ends meet. 这个段落的主题是“another problem facing a number of elderly people”,中心思想是“living on a reduced income”。因此,所有的


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