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汉十高速公路K425+460--+550边坡稳定性评价与支护设计 学生 指导老师: 摘 要 湖北汉十高速公路是国家西部大开发重点线路福州--银川高速公路的重要组成部分。它连接武汉、襄樊和十堰,既是连接我省中西部的重要通道,也是我省的汽车工业走廊。由于西部地区黄土广布,地形地貌条件复杂,滑坡地质灾害时有发生,不仅给公路的建设和维护带来了巨大的影响,而且还使脆弱的生态环境遭到破坏。因此,研究公路边坡的稳定性及治理方案具有重大的理论与实践意义。 本文详细分析比较了各种稳定性分析法的优缺点并介绍了边坡的治理技术和方法,在认真研究本边坡的地形地貌、工程地质条件、地质构造及地震情况、水文地质条件的基础上利用极限平衡法通过程序进行了边坡稳定性的计算和边坡防护。分析结果表明,本路段各较危险的滑动面安全系数都达到要求,整体上处于安全稳定的状态。根据边坡治理原则选择合适的生态防护方法进行治理即可。 关键词:边坡 边坡稳定性分析 极限平衡法 滑动面 安全系数 防治 ABSTRACT Han Highway 10 is the countrys western development focus line Fuzhou - Yinchuan Expressway important part. It connects Wuhan, Xiangfan and Shiyan, is both an important channel connecting the province Midwest, is also the provinces auto industry corridor. As western loess widespread, complex terrain conditions, landslides have occurred, not only to the construction and maintenance of highways tremendous impact, but also the fragile ecological environment destruction. Therefore, the study highway slope stability and governance programs of great theoretical and practical significance. This paper analyzes and compares the advantages and disadvantages of various stability analysis and describes the slope of the control technology and methods, careful study of the slope topography, geological conditions, geological and seismic conditions, the basis of hydrogeological conditions on the limit equilibrium method using the procedure carried out through the calculation of slope stability and slope protection. The results show that the sections of the sliding surfaces of the more dangerous safety coefficient meet the requirements, the whole in a secure and stable state. According to the principle of choosing the right Slope Ecological Protection of methods of governance can be. Keywords: slope;slope stability analysis;limit equilibrium method;sliding surface; safety factor;Prevention 第一章 绪论 1.1 选题背景及研究意义 伴随着我国公路建设的高速发展,出现过大大小小由于边坡失稳造成的人身和财产损失,边坡综合防护设计日益引起公路部门的重视。高速公路边坡设计不仅仅需要因地制宜地选择实用、合理、经济、美观的工程措施,确保高速公路的行车安全和稳定,同时达到与周


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