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中国公共艺术(一) 2010-04-01?设计师:?分类:?研究论文 中文摘要 公共艺术是连接艺术与社会的重要纽带,具有深厚的社会历史背景。美国雕塑家奥登伯格正是这个领域重要的代表人物,因为其对日常品的大体量雕塑而闻名。 ??????? 本文将以奥登伯格为切入点,从作品出发讨论其中的艺术理念,以及理念形成的艺术史和城市发展史背景,从侧面反映,西方公共艺术的发展现状。同时本文将把奥登伯格与中国语境下的公共艺术做对比,试图揭示在中国文人画传统和中国城市发展的共同作用下的公共艺术与奥登伯格的共性和异质性,侧面反映现象背后隐藏着的中西思维模式和文化逻辑。 ??????? 论文最后总结了奥登伯格对当下中国公共艺术的几点启示:在兼顾公共性和艺术性的同时,重视对中国传统艺术理念和艺术品的周边环境研究,从而发展处适合自身的艺术语言。 论文虽然一篇着眼于奥登伯格的个案研究,但同时为公共艺术的发展方向提供了一个新的关注视角,具有一定的理论意义。? 关键词:奥登伯格,公共艺术,波普艺术,文人画 Abstract Public Art, known as the important connection of art and society, has a very deep historical social background. Claes Oldenburg is the representative guy in the area, who is best recognized with his large scale replica sculptures of every objects. This thesis will take Oldenburg’s artworks as a special aspect to reveal his art viewpoints and the background of city development and art history, which help to form his ideas. It also tries to give a snapshot of the current condition of Western public art. Meanwhile, the thesis provides a comparison between Oldenburg and Chinese public art also with the visual tradition and city transform, hoping to figure out the consistency and difference of both. Through this way, the hidden morality and cultural logic may be discovered. Through the discussion, the thesis comes to conclution about the inspirations from Oldenburgs public art that Chinese contempary public art should concern the both the publicity and aesthetic values, while the same time, put an emphasis on Chinese particular visual culture and the connections of surroundings. This theis, though a mainly study on Oldenburg, provides a different view to understand the comprehensive aspects of contempary public art and offers suggestions to further development. Keyword: Oldenburg, Public Art, Pop Art, Intellectual Painting -------------- 目录 1.? 绪论 1.1 研究目的与意义 1.2 研究方法与框架? 2.? 奥登伯格的公共艺术研究 2.1 奥登伯格作品中的艺术理念 2.1.1 生平简介 2.1.2 作品分析 2.1.3 意义阐释 2.2 奥登伯格艺术风格形成的艺术史背景 2.3 西方城市发展的社会背景 2.4 西方公共艺术的传统和功能 2.4.1 西方公共艺术的发展 2..4.2 ?西方公共


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