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本科毕业设计(论文) 企业奖酬金发放信息管理系统 学 院 计算机学院 专 业 计算机科学与技术 年级班别 2010级(6)班 学 号 3110006093 学生姓名 李世建 指导教师 林伟 2014 年 6 月 摘 要 进入21世纪以来,逐渐出现了企业奖酬金信息管理系统,也就是我们所说的即办公自动化软件。 信息Java程序设计语言,采用Java程序设计语言与SQL Server 2005数据库相结合的手段进行开发,结构紧凑、运行速度快、操作简单,保证了软件具有高度的必威体育官网网址、安全性,本软件将帮助企业管理人士方便、安全、高效的进行企业的运行。设计出优化合理的系统,对相关功能模块做出细致的分析和设计,让系统安全、可靠、易操作。 本系统针对中国国情下的中小型企业,实事求是的面向企业实际奖酬金管理问题,与其它软件相比较,对系统做了很多人性化的扩展,使操作更简单、流程更清晰、管理更科学、数据更安全、报表更全面 关键字:奖酬金信息管理,Java,SQL Server 2005 注:本设计(论文)题目来源于教师的国家级(或部级、省级、厅级、市级、校级、企业)科研项目,项目编号为: 。 Abstract Since entering the 21st century, with the increasingly mature and popularization of computer technology, the actual operation of modern enterprise management in many ways, largely must with the aid of computer to complete, the development of corresponding software is particularly important, gradually appeared enterprise award compensation information management system, also is what we usually call OA, office automation software. Award compensation information management system software USES the Java programming language, using the Java programming language and SQL Server 2005 database the means of combining development, compact structure, quick speed, simple operation, ensure that the software has high confidentiality, security, the software will help enterprise managers is convenient, safe and efficient operation of the enterprise. The reasonable system of design optimization, the relevant functional modules to make detailed analysis and design, make the system safe, reliable and easy to operate. This system in view of the small and medium-sized enterprises under the Chinas national conditions, practical and realistic enterprise actual award compensation management problems, compared with other software, for the expansion of the system to do a lot of human nature, make the operation more simple, the process


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