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音乐在动漫中的重要性 摘要 在整个动漫作品中,我们首先注重的是画面图像,但在注重图像的同时音乐却起着举足轻重的作用,起着烘托整个艺术作品的作用。因此,音乐在动漫作品中占有重要的一席之地。音乐在动漫中同样是一门艺术,让音乐来增加动画的表达效果而不是仅仅辅助动画,在公众的眼里,新的、富有表现性的音乐应该和动画造型一起出现在我们的电影中并不断为气氛、地点和场景提供支持和节奏。音乐可以解释任何视觉效果,当音乐成为动画的一部分,环境就会让人觉得更加清洁和庄严。在伴随音乐的烘托下,峡谷中雷暴的轰鸣就形成了视觉上逐渐增强的效果。任何一部动画都缺少不了音乐。无论op、ed、BGM都是重要的部分因此大家知道音乐在动漫中的重要性。动画音乐在突出动画影片的感情、加强动画的戏剧性、渲染动画的气氛方面起着特殊的作用。在表现形式上动画音乐要与动画的题材、内容、风格样式、人物性格、画面的节奏、音响等条件相结合.使动画音乐的听觉形象和画面的视觉形象完美融合,体现动画的总体构思,大大丰富动画影片的表现力和感染力。借此推动动漫这个朝阳产业的发展。 关键字:画面图像、造型、渲染、题材 Abstract Animation school is the beginning of our focus on the screen image, however, pay attention to images we have started to pay attention while music, music in the same animation is an art, animation to music to increase expression of results rather than just supporting animation, In the eyes of the public, the new, highly expressive and animated shapes with music should appear in our movies and keep the atmosphere, location, and the scene to provide support and rhythm. Music can be interpreted any visual effect, when the music became a part of the animation, the environment will make people feel more clean and dignified. In contrast with music under the Canyon in the roar of thunderstorms formed gradually enhanced visual effects. Animation is not a lack of any music. Whether op, ed, BGM are important part of the So we all know the importance of music in animation. Animated music video highlighting the feelings of animation to enhance the dramatic animation, rendering the atmosphere of animation play a special role. The performance of music in the form of animation with the animation of the subject matter, content, style, style, personality, rhythm of the picture, audio and other conditions combined. Make animated images and music, hearing the perfect visual of integration, reflecting the general idea of animation, have greatly enriched the performance animation and affection. To promote the development of animation in this sunrise industry. Keywords: screen image, modeling, render


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