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课题 Unit?1?Cultural?relics学案(1) 【课前准备】导学案﹙Learning guide﹚、双色笔﹙Double color pens﹚、笔记本﹙Notebooks﹚ 【复习回顾】重点单词 【激情导入】 【教学内容】核心单词 重点单词 rare valuable survive amaze select design fancy decorate remove doubt former worth local explode sink informal debate 重点短语 in search of belong to in return at war less than take apart rather than think highly of care about agree with 重点句型… could never have imagined… There is no doubt that … Nor do I think they should give it to any government.情景 Key words 1 rare (adj.) unusual 稀有的,罕见的; 不寻常的 a rare sight / visitor/ event 罕见的景象/稀客/ 稀罕事 rarely (adv.) --- not often; seldom很少;难得( 若放句首,用倒装语序) 翻译:It is rare for her to come late. = She rarely comes late. 2 survive--- ① (vi.) to continue to live or exist 继续生存或存在 ② (vt. ) to continue to live or exist in spite of nearly being killed or destroyed by sth..经历遭遇后幸存;幸免于 ③ (vt.) to live or exist longer than sb. 比某人长寿,比某人活得长 【对号入座】: Few buildings survived the earthquake. ___________ Many strange customs have survived from earlier times. __________ I can’t survive on £30 a week. ___________ 【词型转换】:___________ (n.)幸存者;生还者→survival (n.)幸存,生存 3 select choose pick elect 辨 析 select指从很多对象中“精挑细选”I selected some postcards and sent them To my best friends. choose最普通用词,指凭个人的判断或意愿进行选择。You can choose one from these books. pick 挑选;挑剔和苛刻地选择,多指挑选有形的东西。Will you help me pick strawberries? elect多指对人的正式选举We elected him (as) chairperson. 4. decorate (vt.)--- to make sth. look more attractive by putting sth on it 装饰,装修 decorate sth. with…用…来装饰、装修 The Christmas tree was decorated with gifts and lights. 圣诞树上挂着礼物和彩灯。 On National Day streets were decorated with flags . The cake ________ _________ to look like a car. 这蛋糕装饰得像汽车。 【词型转换】:decoration (n.) 装饰,装潢 →decorator (n.) 房屋的油漆匠,裱糊匠 5. remove (vt.) ①--- to take sth./sb. away from one place to another ( + from / to ) 移走/开/动; ②--- get rid of sth. by cleaning 除掉;


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