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overwhelm? ?? vt.?1. cover (sth./sb.) completely or cause to feel a sudden strong feeling 使不知所措, (感情上) 使(某人)受不了 They were overwhelmed by sadness when their baby died. 婴儿死时他们悲痛欲绝。 I was quite overwhelmed by excitement when my team won the game. 当我的球队赢得比赛胜利之时我激动不已。 2. defeat 胜过,击败 They were overwhelmed by the enemy. 他们被敌军击败了。 The policeman overwhelmed the robber by holding his arm. 警察抓住抢劫者的胳膊制服了他。 ??spin? ?? v.?1. (cause to) move round and round quickly (使)迅速地旋转 The hit sent the car spinning across the road. 那辆车被撞得打着转横过了马路。 I feel faint and the room is spinning. 我感到晕晕乎乎的,觉得房间在旋转。 2. make (thread) by twisting (cotton, etc.) 纺线,纺纱,纺织 In the story of Sleeping Beauty, the princess found an old woman spinning. 在《睡美人》的故事中,公主发现有一个老妇在纺纱。 n.?[C, U] the action of turning or spinning movement 旋转 I hit something on the road, which sent the car into a spin. 我开车撞到了路上的什么东西,使得车子直打转。 Suddenly, the plane went into a spin. 飞机突然旋转起来。 ??title? ?? vt.?give a name to (a book, an article, etc.) 给(书、文章等) 取名 Shakespeare titled his play A Mid-summer Nights Dream. 莎士比亚把他的剧本定名为 《仲夏夜之梦》。 Have you found the book titled Water Margin. 你找到书名为 《水浒传》的 那本书了吗? n.?1. [C] a name given to a book, picture, etc. 名称,题目 I can never remember film titles. 我从来就记不住电影的片名。 This next record bears the title The Red Shoes. 下一张唱片的名字就是《红鞋子》。 2. [C] a word which is used before sb.s name 称呼,头衔 Whats his title? Is he Doctor or just Professor? 称呼他什么? 博士还是教授? Whats your job title now? Are you managing director? 你现在的职位是什么? 是总经理吗? ??react? ?? vi.?1.behave differently or change as a result of sth. 作出反应,回应 People can react badly to certain food. 人们对某些食物会有不良反应。 How did she react when you told her you were leaving? 你告诉她你要离开时她怎样反应? 2. (against) respond to sb./sth. with hostility 反对,反抗 She beat him and called him names, but he didnt react. 她打他,骂他,但他没还手。 The judge reacted angrily to the suggestion that he hadnt been fair. 法官对于那些说他不公正的言论做出了愤怒的反应。 ??reactor? ?? n.?[C] 原子反应堆,核反应堆 ??tense? ?? a.?1. unable to


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