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编号: 嵌入式系统综合实训说明书 题 目: 智能交通信号灯 2015 年 01 月 07 日 摘 要 随着社会的发展,人口的快速增多,交通工具的爆炸性的发展,以及道路资源的有限性,交通控制应运而生,在人类的生活、工作环境中,交通扮演着及其重要的角色。人们的出行都无时无刻地与交通打着交道。 智能交通信号灯是ARM系统的一个应用,由硬件和软件相互配合使用。该系统采用新唐科技公司的ARM Cortex?-M0内核的新一代NuMicro 32位的微控制器NUC140VE3CN,在以NUC140VE3CN为核心的NU-LB-NUC140开发板环境下进行智能交通信号灯的设计。是市场上现有的最小、能耗最低、最节能的ARM处理器。该处理器能耗非常低、门数量少、代码占用空间小,因而得到广泛的应用,如电子测量、医疗器械以及智能控制等。本次设计在NU-LB-NUC140开发板上实现智能交通灯的设计,运用到了图形转换工具BMP,用Keil软件进行编程,结果在LCD液晶显示屏上显示。 关键词:RAM;NUC140; LCD;交通信号灯 Abstract With the development of the society, the rapid increase of population, the explosive development of transportation ,and the limited road resources. Traffic control arises at the historic moment , it plays an important role in the human life and working environment .People travel all traffic dealt with all the time. An application of the intelligent traffic signal lamp is ARM system ,used in conjunction by the hardware and soft ware. The system adopts the nuvoton technology company ARM Cortex ? - M0 kernel of a new generation of NuMicro32-bit microcontrollers NUC140VE3CN, in with the core of NU - LB - NUC140 NUC140VE3CN development environment for the design of intelligent traffic lights. Is the minimum, the lowest energy consumption , existing on the market the most energy-efficient ARM processor. The processor power consumption is very low, less door number , code to take up the space is little, so widely used, such as electronic measurement, medical equipment, and intelligent control, etc. The design on the NU - LB - NUC140 development board to achieve intelligent traffic lights design, using the BMP graphics conversion tool, using Keil software programming, the results displayed on the LCD screen. Key words: RAM ;NUC140 ;LCD ;intelligent traffic signal lamp 目 录 引言 …………………………………………………………………………4 1 概述 ………………………………………………………………………………4 1.1 研究背景 ……………………………………………………………………………4 1.1.1交通灯的发展…………


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