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学 年 论 文 论 文 题 目: 赤潮的危害 学 院 名 称: 化学工程学院 专 业: 化学工程与工艺 班 级: 化本094班 姓 名: 徐 宁 学 号 09402010427 指 导 教 师: 俞小勇 职 称 讲师 定稿日期:2010年06月 15日 摘要: “赤潮”,被喻为“红色幽灵”,国际上也称其为“有害藻华”,赤潮又称红潮,是海洋生态系统中的一种异常现象。它是由海藻家族中的赤潮藻在特定环境条件下爆发性地增殖造成的。海藻是一个庞大的家族,除了一些大型海藻外,很多都是非常微小的植物,有的是单细胞植物。根据引发赤潮的生物种类和数量的不同,海水有时也呈现黄、绿、褐色等不同颜色。    一是大量赤潮生物集聚于鱼类的鳃部,使鱼类因缺氧而窒息死亡;    二是赤潮生物死亡后,藻体在分解过程中大量消耗水中的溶解氧,导致鱼类及其它海洋生物因缺氧死亡,同时还会释放出大量有害气体和毒素,严重污染海洋环境,使海洋的正常生态系统遭到严重的破坏;    三是鱼类吞食大量有毒藻类。 赤潮发生后,除海水变成红色外,同时海水的pH值也会升高,粘稠度增加,非赤潮藻类的浮游生物会死亡、衰减;赤潮藻也因爆发性增殖、过度聚集而大量死亡。[1] 关键词: 异常现象;窒息死亡;污染海洋环境;PH值升高 Abstract: Red, red is described, the international ghost called it red, harmful algal blooms red, and the Marine ecological system is a kind of abnormal phenomenon. It is the red alga by algae family in a specific environment conditions and proliferation of explosive. The family is a huge algae, except for a few large seaweed, many are very small plant, have a plenty of single-celled plants. According to the cause of red tides and number of different species, seawater sometimes also presents the yellow, green, brown wait for different colors. One is a large gathering in fish redtide organisms that fish gills department for oxygen suffocation deaths, After the death of the two is redtide organisms, algae in the process of decomposition of consumption of oxygen in water, fish and other sea creatures from lack of oxygen, also will die release of harmful gases and toxins, serious Marine environmental pollution, Marine ecological system of normal severe damage, Three is fish eating toxic algae. Red tides, except the seawater became red sea, while the pH value will rise, viscosity


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