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综合英语课程单元教学设计 ——Unit 6 Where is your opportunity? 授课内容: Unit 6 Where is your opportunity? Listening and Speaking 授课班级 2012 3G 1、2 授课时间 2课时 授课地点: 教学 目标 能力(技能)目标 知 识 目 标 素质(情感)目标 1、能用英语谈论有关机遇的观点及态度; 2、.能听懂并记录听力材料的主要信息; 3、 能够理解本节课主题为生活的诗的大意并谈论对其的理解。 1、掌握听、记录主要信息的技巧; 2、掌握听力材料中一些关于机遇的描述; 3、了解诗作者Mother Teresa. 通过学习本课帮助学生正确认识生活中的机遇,使他们了解只有善于抓住机遇的人才有可能成功,帮助学生对于机遇树立一个正确的态度并学会在今后的学习生活中如何把握机遇。 教学重点与难点 1、听并概括所给材料的主题。 2、用英语谈论有关机遇的观点及态度。 3、听并记录所给材料的主要信息。 4、谈论对诗的理解。 教学方法 1、小组讨论; 2、任务驱动法; 3、启发法; 4、归纳总结法。 能力训练任务 1、在规定时间内听并概括所给材料的主题。 2、在小组内讨论有关机遇的观点及态度。 3、在规定时间内听并记录所给材料的主要信息。 4、学习与机遇、成功等相关的词汇。 5、学习诗歌并且讨论诗歌的大意 教学参考资料 1、《致用英语综合教程I》 2、《致用英语综合教程I教师用书》 教学设计 能力训练 任务 Tasks 教师活动 Work for Teacher 学生活动 Work for Students 活动时间Time (minutes) 教学备注 Teaching Notes Task1: Morning report Show a topic, __________________, to get the students to prepare a short talk in 30 seconds. Invite a few students to give their talk on the topic to the whole class. Talk about the topic, give a talk as an example or comment on their jobs. Explain the new words in the report; Report to the whole class; Ask and answer the questions. 20’ Task 2: Pre-listening activities Get students to discuss about opportunity. Different people have different views on opportunity. Some think that there are only a few opportunities in this world while others believe that everyone has opportunities in their life. What is your idea on opportunity? Talk about this questions in groups. Get feedback from students; Show the opinion toward opportunity with the class and direct them to build up a right attitude about it. 4. Have students work in groups to think of at least five words or expressions about each topic on page 76; .Check the words. Discuss in groups of 4 ; Share their opinions in cl



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