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School:Anqingshisizhong Teacher:Lan Tianniao 1.What animal is the biggest on land? 2.What animal only lives in Australia? 3.What animal is the king of the forest? 4.What animal looks like a cow, but it lives in the water? manatee What’s this? And how to describe it? gentle elephant What’s this? And how to describe it? enormous kangaroo What’s this? And how to describe it? playful chimpanzee What’s this? And how to describe it? noisy cheetah What’s this? And how to describe it? spotted polar bear What’s this? And how to describe it? furry aggressive 5 1 6 4 3 2 1a Write these words in the boxes below. gentle furry enormous playful noisy shy aggressive gray fast spotted African elephants _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Chimpanzees Kangaroos Manatees Cheetahs Polar bears enormous gray gentle shy spotted fast furry aggressive noisy playful 1b Listen and circle the words in 1a that Victor and Ginny use to describe the animals. gentle furry enormous playful noisy shy aggressive gray fast spotted Think of an animal that is the same as you in some ways. Write a statement about you and the animal. Read your statement without saying the name of the animal. Your classmates guess what kind of animal you are like. You ’re like a manatee. I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. I like water, and I like to eat vegetables. You ’re like an elephant. No. I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. I like water, and I like to eat vegetables. You ’re like an elephant. Yes You ’re like a manatee. enormous gray playful fast noisy playful gentle shy spotted fast aggressive furry endangered mangrove swamps habitat aquatic feed the place where something lives b. there aren’t very many of them c. underwa


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