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2016小学生我爱祖国英语演讲稿   导语:在每一个中国人心中都是心怀着祖国的,祖国母亲在我们的心中的地位是不可以撼动的,下面是小编为你准备的关于我爱祖国英语演讲稿,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!   我爱祖国英语演讲稿:   Dear teacher, dear students, hello!   I love my motherland, because he has a long history of five thousand years bright, I love my motherland, because he is extensive and profound to contain the endless treasure, of fertile soil; I love my motherland, for his civilization progress, beautiful rich rao, because he is spirit to contain the endless treasure, rapid thousands of miles of fertile soil; I love my motherland, for his civilization progress, the beautiful and rich. Possess the hundreds of millions of Chinese children. I love my motherland, because he created lots of having both ability and political integrity of talents, make our country more prosperous, and I love our motherland, more love my hometown -- JingHe.   Beautiful at the foot of tianshan mountain, is my lovely hometown, my hometown has lived in this beautiful at the foot of the tianshan mountains. There are vast, one blue thousands of miles of prairie, there are ma of cattle and sheep, and the countless wheat, cotton, practice, vegetable greenhouses. You see, yellow grain, white cotton, red is the practice of green vegetables. Fields are the farmers busy figure, have the joy of harvest.   I love the motherland, love the lovely hometown!   Thank you all!   参考翻译:   敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们,你们好!   我 爱我的祖国,因为他有着五千年光辉灿烂的悠久历史,我爱我的祖国,因为他博大精深蕴藏着无尽的宝藏,连绵的沃土;我爱我的祖国,因为他文明进步,美丽富 饶,因为他博大精神蕴藏着无尽的宝藏,连绵千里的沃土;我爱我的祖国,因为他文明进步,美丽富饶。蕴育着千千万万的华夏儿女。我爱我的祖国,因为他培育了 许许多多德才兼备的人才,使我们的国家更加繁荣昌盛,我爱我们的祖国,更爱我的家乡――精河。   美丽的天山脚下,是我可爱的家乡,我的家乡 就住在这美丽的天山脚下。这里有一望无际,一碧千里的大草原,有漫山遍野的牛群和羊群,还有那数不尽的麦田,棉田,钩稽地,蔬菜大棚。你瞧,黄的是麦穗, 白的是棉花,红的是钩稽,绿的是蔬菜。田地里有农民们忙碌的身影,有丰收的喜悦。   我爱祖国,更爱这可爱的家乡!   谢谢大家! 职业道德试题 1、关于道德,准确的说法是(C)。 (A)道德就是做好人好事 (B)做事符合他人利益就是有道德 (C)道德是处理人与人、人与社会、人与自然之间关系的特殊行为规范 (D)道德因人、因时而异,没有确定的标准 、与法律相比,道德(B)。 (A)产生的时间晚 (B)适用范围更广 (C)内容上显得十分笼统 (D)评价标准难以确定 、关于道德与法律,正确的说法是(D)。 (A)在法律健全完善的社会,不需要道德


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