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著作权保护范围的确定 及实质性相似的判断 ——以历史剧本类文字作品为视角 许 波 内容提要:虽然数字时代的来临使得与网络相关的著作权纠纷日渐增多,但传统著作权纠纷在目 前司法实践中仍占较大比例,部分案件的审理难度并未因多年实践经验的积累而有所降低,个案中对 相关著作权法律问题的理解也呈现出一定差异。以历史剧本类文字作品为研究视角,对此类作品的著 作权保护范围及侵权判断中实质性相似的认定方法进行了探讨,并结合国内外案例,对传统著作权法 领域中的基本原则和理论在司法实践中的运用作了较为清晰的梳理,以求为相关案件的审理提供可资 借鉴的标准和方法。 关 键 词:历史剧本 思想表达二分法 独创性 实质性相似 利益平衡 作者简介:许波,北京市第一中级人民法院知识产权庭法官 ① 清穿剧是指以清朝为背景,以现代人穿越到清朝后所发生的故事为内容的电视剧,如《宫锁心玉》、《步步惊心》。 来者多大创作空间?在杂糅了各种创作要素的历 史题材类作品遭遇著作权纠纷时,法院又该如何 处理私权与公共利益之间的冲突,如何通过个案 的审理既不致浇灭创作之火,又不会阻碍社会整 体创新的提高? 虽然新技术的层出正不可逆转地将著作权 法带进数字时代,但对传统著作权法领域基本问 题的探讨并不因此而落后于时代,相反,司法实 践中频现的相关案例无时不在提醒着我们,对著 作权法基本原则和问题的研究永远不会过时。由 于历史剧本类文字作品在最大程度上体现了传统 Abstract: Despite the ever-growing copyright disputes related to Internet arising in the arrived digital age, traditional copyright disputes still take a large proportion in present judicial practice in this fi eld. For some cases, the diffi culty of trials has not been reduced notwithstanding the accumulation of the experience for years. Meanwhile, the understanding of the copyright-related legal issues in particular case presents differences to some extent as well. This article focuses on the copyright protection range and the identifi cation of the substantive similarity in copyright infringement from the perspective of the historical play, and combines the actual conditions of cases in China with those abroad to clarify the application of the basic principles and theories in traditional copyright law in order to provide suggestive methods and standards for judicial practice. This article also emphasizes the spirit of the balance of interests from beginning to end that judges should follow in copyright cases to make sure that judicial trials neither restrain innovation nor impede the advancement of culture, thus contributing to a much more developed and prosperous socialist culture by means of justice. Key words: historical play; dichotomy of ideal and expression; originality; substantive similarity; balance of interests .29 . 知识产权·2012年第2期司法探讨 ② 参见(2010)海民初字第8


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